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Dignity & Power Now
  1. Healing Justice Institute - 7/8
  2. Transformative Leadership & Compassionate Organizations Webinar
  3. Learning with and from the Plants During COVID-19
  4. Freedom Harvest - 8/29
  1. Current Uprisings - El Comejen
  2. Care First Budget - Daily News
  3. L.A. County Budget Plan - LA Times

 Healing Justice Institute
Join Dignity and Power Now's Director of Health and Wellness, Guadalupe R. Chavez, as a featured speaker for the upcoming Funders for Justice (FFJ) Healing Justice Institute ( July 8 - July 29th). 

Guadalupe will be opening the series on July 8th with Cara Page on the topic of: "What is Healing Justice?"


Transformative Leadership & Compassionate Organizations Webinar
On Tuesday, June 30th, Dignity and Power Now held a second webinar on Transformative Leadership and Compassionate Organizations, led by Dr. Lamia El Sadek, Managing Director of DPN and Melanie Havelin, Executive Director of the John M. Lloyd Foundation.

We covered the advantages, methods, and best practices of transformative leadership and ways to shift the culture within organizations to become more compassionate. We also covered ways organizations can avoid falling into the trap of HIGH-ALERT-EMERGENCY-STATUS-24X7.

Learning With and From the Plants During COVID-19
Guadalupe invites us to her community garden in El Sereno, Los Angeles to learn from chamomile and calendula flower medicine. Flowers heal us on emotional, spiritual, and etheric levels.

Join Guadalupe in making a simple sun brewed flower water recipe and dive deeper into a relationship with the Spirit of flowers. 

Freedom Harvest: Healing Portals Concert
DPN’s Healing Justice legacy is one that has created healing portals outside of L.A. County jails for the past 7 years! Connecting with families visiting their loved ones is at the heart of our work. We know that without healing, there is no justice.

This concert will raise awareness of Dignity and Power Now’s efforts to defund prisons and imagine alternatives to incarceration. The muti-media experience will feature a variety of music including Hip-Hop, Cumbia, Jazz and R&B and feature poetry and the works of visual artists.

Current Uprisings - El Comejen
DPN's Managing Director, Dr. Lamia El Sadek, sat down for a recent interview with El Comején about structural racism and how organizations like Dignity and Power Now advance the fight for justice.

Care First Budget - Daily News
“All County departments will be expected to absorb cuts. What we are calling for moves far beyond austerity measures due to COVID-19 budget deficits," said Ivette Alé, Senior Policy Lead at DPN. 

L.A. County Budget Plan - L.A. Times
The supervisors’ 2019 pivot followed years of organizing by young advocates for fundamental change — people whose families and neighbors, or who themselves, had been injured and abused by a law enforcement system too focused on punishment and insufficiently directed toward healing, recovery and reconciliation.
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