Ohio Democrats --
This week I had the privilege of (virtually) welcoming dozens of new organizers to the 2020 Victory: Battleground Ohio team, and they spent the past few days participating in an online training, getting ready to help us turn Ohio blue in 2020.

Even though this campaign has been unlike any other we've seen in our lifetimes, we are continuing to ramp up for Election Day -- which is now just 123 days away. Many of the events we look forward to in a presidential campaign are changing because of the coronavirus crisis, but the great thing is that we are now able to make them more interactive and inclusive for everyone to participate.
First of all, our State Convention -- when we elect the 18 Ohioans who will serve as our Democratic presidential electors -- will be happening on Saturday, Aug. 1. We're still in the planning stages of what will now be a virtual event, but we already have a number of amazing guests set to speak. So save the date now for our State Convention!
Secondly, we are looking forward to a phenomenal Democratic National Convention, when delegates from across the nation and around the globe will nominate Joe Biden to become our next president. The convention will be anchored every night in Milwaukee and will include four nights of programming, starting on Monday, Aug. 17. In addition, there will be virtual events, with opportunities for grassroots activists and volunteers to be a part of the experience.
If you want to be the first to find out about our State Convention and the Democratic National Convention, sign up for updates by texting CONVENTION to 79229.

The other official business of the Democratic National Convention is crafting our party's platform. This document defines what we stand for as Democrats and provides a progressive blueprint for the next four years. The Democratic National Convention Committee is inviting voters to share what ideas, values and beliefs they want to see reflected in our party's platform. Anyone with ideas about the party's agenda can record, upload and share their story in a brief video message.
To learn more or to get started with your own video, visit stories.demconvention.com.
I hope everyone has a wonderful Fourth of July holiday weekend with your loved ones.
Thanks so much for being a part of this,
David Pepper
Ohio Democratic Party
