Rep. Andy Biggs would rather stand by Donald Trump than face the truth about Arizona's record-high cases of coronavirus.

He would rather risk our lives than admit we have a real problem that will take real leadership to solve.

Yesterday, he issued a statement, now covered by press around the country, that calls for the federal COVID-19 task force to be "disbanded." He also harshly criticized Dr. Anthony Fauci and Dr. Deborah Birx for their stance based on science.

Biggs wants us to ignore the science and the facts during a pandemic. His words and his actions are dangerous.

I responded in an interview with the Phoenix New Times:

"It’s irresponsible," Greene told New Times. "He’s past the part of partisan politics. Now he’s killing us and, with every step of the way, he’s becoming a danger to our national security."

The fight to stop Biggs is urgent.

Here's how you can help:

I won't let this man put us at risk anymore.

We will win this.

Stay safe,
Joan Greene

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