Happy Independence Day and Thank You!

Tomorrow, we join with you in celebrating America’s independence. 244 years ago our Founding Fathers declared our independence and adopted one of the most significant documents ever written – the Declaration of Independence. We remain ever grateful for our forefathers who sacrificed so much, some giving their very lives, to give us a nation grounded in our Judeo-Christian values.

“I consider it an incredible blessing to be an American and I see the importance more than ever to celebrate and defend our freedoms; to ensure my children and yours have the America we all love. I proudly say, ‘God Bless America'", said our President Jonathan Saenz. We the people honor and uphold the founding principles in the Declaration of Independence when we work to ensure religious liberty flourishes, families prosper, and every human life is valued in our nation and state. Every new generation must continue to fight to uphold these God-given rights.

We must remain ever vigilant in ensuring that our children and grandchildren are passed on the same liberties that we have enjoyed. Our Texas Values team hopes you and your family have a blessed and enjoyable Independence Day. May God continue to bless America!

We also want to say thank you for your generous financial support for our fiscal year-end this week. Your generosity has allowed us to have the strongest fiscal year in the history of our organization. Your support will enable us to continue to expand our mission standing for biblical, Judeo-Christian values across Texas!


Texas Values Leads Effort To Protect Children From Radical Sex-Ed At SBOE Meeting

The Texas State Board of Education (SBOE) held their June meeting this week to discuss the revision of the Health TEKS, which includes sex education. The Board members heard testimony from 258 individuals on what should be added or deleted from the current draft of standards. Sex education is not required to be taught in Texas public schools, and current law, in Texas Education Code 28.004, requires an abstinence focused approach if sex education is taught. However, many liberal groups such as Texas Freedom Network, Planned Parenthood, and Jane’s Due Process argued for comprehensive sex education, which includes sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI), and abortion, to be added to the Health TEKS.

The radical groups were met with opposition. Over 4,000 of our supporters have sent emails to the SBOE members asking them to not add comprehensive sex-ed, including topics of SOGI and abortion to the TEKS, but to instead focus on teaching abstinence. Texas Values team members testified on the current draft of the Health TEKS specifically asking the board to add back in the medical and emotional risks of sexual activity for unmarried persons of school age and to also highlight the ultimate benefits of marriage over “committed relationships”. The recommendations Texas Values made are now headed to the workgroups for consideration in the draft, and the first reading for the Health TEKS will be in September. There is still time to be to get engaged.



Supreme Betrayal in Abortion Case

This week in a 5-4 decision, the U.S. Supreme Court struck down a common-sense pro-life law from Louisiana that requires basic health standards for abortion clinics. Chief Justice Roberts joined the four liberal justices, despite previously appearing to support similar common-sense health standards for abortion clinics in a Texas case. Texas Values signed onto a legal amicus brief supporting the Louisiana law, which was similar to a pro-life law we had worked to pass here in Texas. 


Early Voting is Under Way in Primary Runoff

It’s time to vote! Early voting in Texas’ Primary Runoff Election began this week across Texas and runs through Friday, July 10. Election Day is Tuesday, July 14. Texas Values Action’s Runoff Voters Guide is available now at FreeVotersGuide.com. You can get a personalized guide with candidate evaluations from grassroots panelists from across the state, voting records and scores, information on where a candidate’s money comes from, and a key issue questionnaire. 



Texas Values is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to standing for faith, family, and freedom in Texas. Copyright © 2020 Texas Values, All rights reserved.


Texas Values
900 Congress Ave.
Suite L115
Austin, Texas 78701
(512) 478-2220