American Resilience: Our Nation Was Made To Survive Tough Times Like These

In a typical year, the Fourth of July would be an occasion to celebrate America’s origins, history, and future. Marking the anniversary of our nation’s founding should be an opportunity for reflection on the past and optimism about where we’re headed.

But let’s face it: 2020 is not a typical year. Yet there is still room for hope and optimism.

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Supreme Court rules the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is not immune from oversight

The CFPB, created to prevent another Great Recession, was given unprecedented powers and independence. The bureau is authorized to write policy, enforce violations, and adjudicate those violations. And the agency’s director was exempted from the president’s usual power to remove high-level officials in the executive branch.

The Court sided with the arguments in PLF’s friend-of-the-court brief, holding that the CFPB’s unprecedented powers, funding, and insulation from oversight cannot be squared with the Constitution’s division of powers among the branches.

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Supreme Court delivers a major victory for school choice and equality under the law

In the most significant school choice case before the Supreme Court in decades, brought by our friends at the Institute for Justice, the Court overturned a Montana rule preventing students at religious schools from receiving scholarship help.

In our friend-of-the-court brief, PLF argued that the Court should hold that Montana’s discriminatory program violates the free exercise of religion and points out the many benefits of school choice programs like Montana’s.

The Supreme Court’s decision recognizes a fundamental truth: kids deserve equal access to educational benefits, regardless of which school they decide to attend.

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