The National Democratic Redistricting Committee has endorsed my campaign because I have committed to support fair legislative maps in 2021.

Paid for by Friends of Randi Clites

Hi John,

The National Democratic Redistricting Committee has endorsed my  campaign because I have committed to support fair legislative maps in 2021.

If you don't already know, gerrymandering is when one political party manipulates the political boundaries of a map to favor their own party. Some of the most egrerious examples of gerrymandering are in Ohio. Read more here.

Gerrymandered districts are not representative of the people in Ohio. This manipulation has led to more extreme and partisan General Assembly and Congress. Gerrymandering makes it harder to work together and make real change. State legislators draw the lines that decide Congress members.

When our representatives are elected in a primary versus a general election, the people who win represent the more extreme views of their party - both ways. Committing to draw fair maps means that I will support legislative maps that reduce hyperpartisanship and are more reflective of the people of Ohio.


Will you join the NDRC in supporting my campaign?


Thank you for your time and contribution!


Friends of Randi Clites
5411 Fairhill Dr
Ravenna, OH 44266
United States