Join us for the first of a three-part Getting it Right Webinar Summer Series highlighting specific topics and issues in the Foundation’s new publication, Getting it Right: Using Implementation Research to Improve Outcomes in Early Care and Education. All three webinars will include a live Q&A session.
PART 1 | What more do we need to know about high-quality ECE programs?
Date: Tuesday, July 14, 2020
Time: 2-3:30PM EST
Our featured presenters will explore what more we need to know in implementing high-quality ECE programs to achieve stronger outcomes for young children. The discussion will focus on what instructional content and strategies promote children’s learning, how professional development and on-going learning can contribute to improved practice, and how learning environments can better support dual language learners. The conversation will also delve into challenges and opportunities in building and scaling high-quality ECE programs to meet the needs of young children.
Featured Presenters:
Linda Espinosa, University of Missouri-Columbia
Dale Farran, Vanderbilt University
Jacqueline Jones, Foundation for Child Development
Robert Pianta, University of Virginia
Jason Sachs, Boston Public Schools
Discussant: Ellen Frede, National Institute for Early Education Research