Alex is poised to be the next big win for the progressive movement, but we need your help to secure a win in 10 weeks.

Alex Morse for Congress


Thanks to you we just reported our best fundraising quarter yet! This is a true showing of the strength and passion of our grassroots movement.

This race is competitive because of the dedication of supporters like you who believe it’s time for a new generation of leadership in Washington. You’re proving that people-power is stronger than the corporate status quo.

We need to keep up this momentum, friend! Our opponent continues to use his corporate war chest against us every day by running digital ads attempting to frame himself as a progressive.

We need to make sure that every person in MA-01 knows who Alex is and why he’s a champion for the people. Can you make a contribution today to ensure we have the resources to scale our digital outreach programs and reach voters across the district?

If you've stored your info with ActBlue Express, we'll process your contribution instantly:

We’re officially less than 2 months away from our primary election. These next few weeks are critical to the success of our movement. So, we can’t slow down now!

Make a contribution today to power our movement to elect a people’s champion and defeat the biggest roadblock to the progressive agenda in Congress.

Let’s do this!

Team Morse



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Our campaign has suspended all in-person activity to ensure the safety of our team, volunteers, and community members. We are relying on contributions from emails like these to continue supporting our progressive movement. If you can afford to give, please donate here.