July 3, 2020
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In whom do we trust?
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The thin blue line
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July 3, 2020
RENEWAMERICA STAFF ? RenewAmerica has partnered with multi-national pro-life organization Real Estate for Life to help sustain the work of RenewAmerica. Real Estate for Life is a faith-based real estate network that funds "gospel of life groups worldwide."... (more)

July 3, 2020
JERRY NEWCOMBE ? The barbarians are at the gates. Actually, the barbarians are inside the gates and on the streets. They are tearing down statues left and right. As we celebrate our national birthday this week, the Fourth of July, it doesn't feel like a celebration.... (more)

July 3, 2020
YOUTUBE ? Popular a cappella group Home Free teams up with country star Lee Greenwood and the Singing Sergeants to record a sensational new rendition of Greenwood's 1984 patriotic hit, "God Bless the U.S.A."... (more)

July 3, 2020
YOUTUBE ? During the 2019 State of the Union address, Donald Trump took a swipe at former Democratic presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders, stating that "America will never be a socialist country.'... (more)

July 3, 2020
?There?s only a race problem when the media creates a race problem?
YOUTUBE ? Black Lives Matter is run by Marxist organizers. They have not been silent about their agenda to dismantle the nuclear family, transform gender/sexual identity, and force radical change. So why are so many eagerly following along?... (more)

July 2, 2020
?Marxist, anti-cop, anti-family Black Lives Matter movement is not designed to make black lives better?
NEW YORK POST ? [Hurling obscenities,] protesters chanted outside City Hall Tuesday night as the City Council worked overtime to slash the police budget in the middle of a crime wave. New York's Finest were stoic behind their masks as they took disgusting abuse from hundreds of champagne revolutionaries. Did their mothers not teach their anti-cop offspring manners?... (more)

July 2, 2020
'All the people that were supposed to be there for black lives didn't want a black reporter out there'
FOX NEWS ? Fox News contributor Lawrence Jones joined "Hannity" Wednesday for a live report from the site of New York City's Occupy City Hall protest, where he and his crew were "attacked" by demonstrators earlier in the day.... (more)

July 2, 2020
YOUTUBE ? CHOP era defined by anarchy and arson; Seattle radio show host Jason Rantz joins Tucker Carlson with insight on 'Tucker Carlson Tonight... (more)

July 1, 2020
DAILY HERALD ? Officers with the Provo City Police Department arrested two individuals Tuesday after reports of shots fired during protests in Provo on Monday evening. According to the probable cause statements filed in support of the arrests, officers received reports at around 8:45 p.m. Monday of shots fired. The shooting was reported to have occurred in the area of Center Street and University Avenue in Provo where two protests were taking place.... (more)

June 30, 2020
FOX NEWS ? Seattle Department of Transportation crews on Tuesday began removing concrete barriers marking the entrance to the area protesters are calling the Capitol Hill Organized Protest, or CHOP.... (more)

June 29, 2020
REV. MARK H. CREECH ? There is violence throughout our land, and most of it in the name of eradicating racism. Any statue with the slightest perception of some racist association or history is either spray-painted with profane graffiti or pulled to the ground. Public buildings and businesses have been ransacked, looted, or burned. A Black Lives Matter leader from New York declares on national television that if the U.S. "doesn't give us what we want, then we will burn down this system."... (more)

June 29, 2020
The Dems' lengthy and shameful record of racism
JOAN SWIRSKY ? If the upcoming presidential election on November 3, 2020, were not so serious, it would be downright hilarious just watching the Democrats twist themselves into pretzels in their efforts to project onto President Trump their own lengthy and shameful record of racism.... (more)

June 29, 2020
LLOYD MARCUS ? A longtime white friend phoned me to talk him down from the cliff. He is concerned about how the new racial hatred dominating our country will impact his grandkids. For the first time, he and his wife believe they should purchase a gun for home protection. This headline confirms my friend's instinct to arm himself to protect his family. "BEWARE: The Woke Mob is Targeting You Next, Small-Town America."... (more)

June 29, 2020
Without the protection of the thin blue line, the globalist elite bosses can win their war on America
LINDA GOUDSMIT ? There are good cops and there are bad cops. There are good doctors and there are bad doctors. The 24/7 fake news media insists that the mob is tearing down statues, smashing windows, looting, and burning down cities because a bad cop killed a man. I don't think so.... (more)

June 29, 2020
NEWSMAX ? President Donald Trump leads presumptive Democratic Party presidential candidate Joe Biden by a slim margin in swing-state Wisconsin, according to a Trafalgar Group poll released Sunday. Georgia-based political strategist Robert Cahaly, who owns the Trafalgar Group, was the only pollster in 2016 to predict Trump's upset victory over Hillary Clinton. Trump beat Clinton in Wisconsin, 47.2% to 46.5% in 2016.... (more)

June 29, 2020
NEWSMAX ? Outspoken critic of the Left and New York Times bestselling author David Horowitz says America is currently in a "civil war" and claimed that President Donald Trump is the "most vilified, libeled and slandered human in all history."... (more)

June 29, 2020
WORLDNETDAILY ? The issue of America's Big Tech industry -- especially the three or four billionaires who essentially have a monopoly on social-media pages -- and its censorship of conservatives has been around for years already. But in as few as a couple weeks now, there could be news on what will be done to assure Americans that their speech and views will not be censored because of the political agenda of a platform that is supposed to be neutral.... (more)

June 29, 2020
DAILY SIGNAL ? Attorney General William Barr said Thursday that the Department of Justice is conducting about 500 investigations into acts of arson and destruction associated with the protests and riots over the past several weeks. The DOJ is ramping up investigations into the activists who participated in destruction of private and public property over the last several weeks, Barr said during an episode of the "Verdict" podcast with Republican Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas.... (more)

June 28, 2020
DAILY CALLER ? More than 50,000 people have died from coronavirus-related illness at the country's nursing homes for older adults, The New York Times reported Saturday. The Times's database collected data showing that coronavirus, or COVID-19, has infected more than 282,000 people at 12,000 facilities. Total deaths from such long-term facilities constitute roughly 43% of all COVID-19-related deaths, the paper reported.... (more)

June 28, 2020
WASHINGTON TIMES ? Four men have been charged with damaging and trying to tear down the Andrew Jackson statue near the White House, federal prosecutors announced Saturday night. One, Connor Matthew Judd, has already been arrested and appeared in court Saturday. The other three were at large as of the announcement, prosecutors said. They are identified as Lee Michael Cantrell, Ryan Lane and Graham Lloyd.... (more)

June 28, 2020
DAILY CALLER ? President Donald Trump signed an executive order Friday evening that seeks to protect federal monuments and properties by conditioning federal funding for state and local governments on compliance.... (more)

June 28, 2020
DAILY CALLER ? Thousand Currents, the California-based charity that manages fundraising operations for the national arm of Black Lives Matter, includes on its board a convicted terrorist whose sentence was commuted by former President Bill Clinton on his last day in office.... (more)

June 28, 2020
Notes governor, others, endorsed 'mass protests'
WORLDNETDAILY ? A federal judge on Friday blocked Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo and other New York leaders from prohibiting outdoor religious gatherings due to the coronavirus after officials endorsed mass protests. Judge Gary Sharpe issued a preliminary injunction against Cuomo, Democratic New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio and Attorney General Letitia James forbidding coronavirus-based regulations on outdoor religious ceremonies.... (more)

June 26, 2020
THE EDITORS OF NATIONAL REVIEW ? The coronavirus hasn't gone away. As the Northeast, the epicenter of the pandemic in the U.S. for months, has seen steep, persistent declines in confirmed cases, other parts of the country have spiked. A month or so ago, most of the increased cases were a function of increased testing. Now, states like Florida, Texas, and Arizona have seen worrying increases in their positivity rates -- the percentage of tests that are positive -- in a sign of accelerating community spread.... (more)

June 26, 2020
JOAN SWIRSKY ? They say that out of every bad thing comes a good thing. Ask any mother who has been through a 20-hour labor! The same can be said of the criminal behavior of the Marxist-inspired radicals—Antifa and Black Lives Matters—that eclipsed the legitimate outrage following the horrific murder of George Floyd by a white policeman, Derek Chauvin, in Minneapolis, MN.... (more)

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