JULY 2020
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Dear friends,

With COVID-19 expected to push up to 117 million more children into poverty by the end of this year,  more than ever, we must scale up our efforts to protect the most vulnerable children. To accelerate our collective action, our July newsletter highlights the latest research, analysis, tools, and guidance coming out on child poverty and measures to address it.

If you have any updates to share with the wider community, we'd love to hear from you!
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Warmest regards,
the Coalition.
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Universal child benefits critical in reducing poverty, new ODI and UNICEF report finds

Universal child benefits, such as unconditional cash payments or tax transfers, are critical in the fight against child poverty, yet are only available in 1 in 10 countries worldwide, according to a new report published by the Overseas Development Institute and UNICEF.

This joint report critically reviews the case for universal child benefits, and provides practical recommendations and key considerations for governments embarking on policy decisions regarding benefits for children.

→Read the full report

Economic fallout from COVID-19 tightens its grip on children

by David Stewart and Sola Engilbertsdottir, UNICEF

The economic impacts of COVID-19 are without precedent in modern history. Unprecedented action to protect children and their families from the worst effects should be a fundamental yardstick for success. → Read the blog

Girls and Young Women in the Era of COVID-19: an urgent call for action

By Silvia Paruzzolo and Obaidur Rahman, Save the Children and Maria McLaughlin, Plan International

Adolescence is a critical period in the life of girls and young women across the world, when multiple, overlapping transitions define their life trajectories.

We have a collective responsibility to build a world in which all adolescent girls experience a healthy, safe, and successful transition to adulthood in the face of the COVID-19 crisis.

→Read our call to action 

Updated estimates of the impact of COVID-19 on global poverty


Using the newly launched growth forecasts from June, World Bank researchers updated the estimate of the COVID-19 pandemic’s impact on global poverty. The revised projections indicate up to 100 million increase in the number of people living in extreme poverty. 

 → Read the analysis
Poverty measurement
Coronavirus' invisible victims: Children in monetary poor households

by Save the Children and UNICEF

A joint analysis by Save the Children and UNICEF reveals that without urgent action, the number of children living in monetary poor households across low- and middle-income countries could increase by up to 117 million by the end of the year.

→Read the analysis 
Evidence Review
A rapid review of economic policy and social protection responses to health and economic crises and their effects on children: Lessons for the COVID-19 pandemic response
by UNICEF  Innocenti

This rapid review seeks to inform the initial and long-term public policy responses to the COVID-19 pandemic, by assessing evidence on past economic policy and social protection responses to health and economic crises and their effects on children and families.

→Download here

Evidence review
The role of graduation programming in promoting early childhood development: an overview of the evidence

by Keetie Roelen, Micah Sherer and Carmen-Leon Himmelstine

This article provides a comprehensive review of the state of the evidence regarding the role of graduation pogrammes in ECD in the Global South. The authors find positive effects in relation to nutrition and health, but observe large evidence gaps with respect to safety and security, responsive caregiving and early learning. 

→ Read the paper 
Tapori: Overcoming Poverty by Building Friendship Among All Children
by Diana Skelton and Marjorie Orcullo

Diana Skelton and Marjorie Orcullo of ATD Fourth World: All Together in Dignity give the history and meaning behind the international Tapori children’s friendship network in this article. Included is a true Tapori story from the ATD Fourth World – Philippines project “Ang Galing!” (“Awesome!”) undertaken with families living in homes suspended under a bridge over a canal.

→ Read the article
Faith and Children’s Rights: A Multi-religious Study on the Convention on the Rights of the Child

by Arigatou International

This study examines the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) from the perspective of seven major religions, identifies the important role played by religious communities in advancing the rights and well-being of children over the past 30 years, seeks to identify the common values shared among different religions and the CRC and promotes continued action by religious communities to further implement the CRC in the future.

→ Download the publication 
Policy analysis
Social Protection and Jobs responses to COVID-19
by World Bank and UNICEF

As of June 12,  a total of 195 countries have introduced or adapted social protection programs in response to COVID-19. This includes child-sensitive schemes such as child grants and benefits, child care programmes among others.

Read the full paper
Policy brief
COVID-19 & Urgent Need for Child-Sensitive Social Protection

by World Vision

This policy brief looks at how World Vision is responding to the needs of the most vulnerable and provides recommendations for what governments, the UN and other NGOs can do to lessen their suffering.  →Download the document 

To learn more about World Vision's plans to address the secondary impacts of the pandemic, check out this note.
Call to action
Linking humanitarian cash and social protection for an effective cash response to the COVID-19 pandemic

This one-pager by the Grand-Bargain (GB) Sub-group on Linking Humanitarian Cash and Social Protection is issued as a call for the signatories of the Grand Bargain commitments to use all means at their disposal to deliver on their commitment to link humanitarian cash and social protection where appropriate for an effective cash response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

→Read the document
Webinar summary
Impact of COVID-19 on child poverty in Africa and beyond

On May 14th, 2020, the Global Coalition to End Child Poverty brought together experts and communities to discuss lived experiences of children living in poverty; and the necessary policy responses to mitigate the impacts of the pandemic on families. 

→Read the webinar summary
Coronavirus and children's rights: It's time to act on fair finance
By Irene Dotterud-Flaa, Senior Advocacy Adviser, Save the Children

Without significant global action on debt, aid and social sector spending, the poorest and most vulnerable children will continue to be those that suffer most from the devastating impacts of this global pandemic.

 Read the blog
COVID-19 in the Global South: Urgent Need for Safety Nets for Low Income Families to Stem an Increase in Child Poverty
by Fred Nyabera, Arigatou International

The COVID-19 pandemic presents governments in the Global South with an opportunity to address the underlying causes of child poverty and policies that have contributed towards widened inequalities in their economies.  

 Read the blog
The Nexus Between COVID-19 and Child Poverty: Response by the Faith Leaders in Sri Lanka
By Kavitha Vijayaraj, Arigatou International

In Sri Lanka, religious leaders are collectively working with the government, mass media, and civil society organizations to promote the protection of children and ensure their wellbeing during the COVID-19 crisis. 

 Read the blog
FREE ONLINE COURSE | Social Protection: A Primer
by IDS

This course aims to provide a foundational understanding of social protection systems and implementation around the world.

→  Learn more and register 
WEBINAR: Poverty monitoring in the context of Covid-19
by ODI

This webinar brought together researchers, practitioners and policy makers to discuss the impacts of the coronavirus and short-term policy responses on the world’s poorest, and the adjustments to immediate policy responses needed to prevent impoverishment, hunger and destitution.

→  Watch the recording
WEBINAR: Children and Poverty in the Era of #COVID19: How Remote Learning Exacerbates Inequality in New York City
by Equity for Children and ATD Fourth World

Mothers and activists with direct experience of poverty contributed to a meaningful dialogue with educators and policymakers to discuss how remote learning exacerbates inequalities in the educational system and what can be done to improve the situation.

→ Check out the key takeaways

High-Level Political Forum Side Events
  • Wed 8 July 2020, 08:00 AM EDT Human Development Through Social and Environmental Justice for All | by UNDP and ATD Fourth World. REGISTER
  • Fri 10 July 2020, 07:30 AM EDT COVID-19 Aftershocks: Out of Time to End Hunger and Child Poverty by 2030 | by World Vision. REGISTER
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The Global Coalition to End Child Poverty is a global initiative to raise awareness about children living in poverty across the world and support global and national action to alleviate it as outlined by SDG Goal 1: No Poverty. Our members work together as part of the Coalition, as well as individually, to achieve a world where all children grow up free from poverty, deprivation and exclusion. 
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