Last week, your support helped me win our primary. It reminded me of how far we've come, and also how far we still have to go. Moving forward, I'm working to support strong leaders who will bring progressive change to a new Congress.
My friend for more than twenty years, Aníbal Acevedo Vilá, is running for Resident Commissioner to represent the island of Puerto Rico in U.S. Congress. Aníbal is a Democrat looking to unseat incumbent Trump-Republican Jenniffer Gonzalez.
Will you chip in right now to help Aníbal defeat Trump-ally Jenniffer Gonzalez? >>> [link removed]
The toxicity of our current President reaches further than just himself and his administration. Too many members of Congress blindly support even his most unethical actions. Jenniffer Gonzalez is one of them. She stood by Trump's side as he shamelessly flung paper towels at Puerto Ricans devastated by Hurricane Maria in 2017. Instead of showing true leadership in a crisis, Jenniffer offered only disregard, ignorance and mismanagement. What Puerto Rico needs is someone like Aníbal, a strong public servant who will lead with integrity and pragmatism and do what is best for the people of Puerto Rico.
As a native of Puerto Rico, this is an election I care passionately about. Our island is going through the worst economic, social, and political crisis in its history. To see this pains me, and to see the way Jenniffer and Donald Trump treat Puerto Ricans with cruel contempt worsens this pain. We need a representative with a heart. As the former Resident Commissioner and Governor of Puerto Rico, Aníbal has the right experience to get our island back on track and to be an advocate for all Puerto Ricans in Washington. A successful path forward between Puerto Rico and the United States will be achieved with Aníbal Acevedo Vilá in Washington. I hope you'll join me in supporting him today.
Support Aníbal today and help send him to Washington to bring progressive change to Puerto Rico! >>> [link removed]
Nydia Velázquez