Dear Friends, Thanks to so many of you in the NRCAT network for your support during our Torture Awareness Month fundraising campaign. Each June, your giving supports critical, strategic interfaith work to end torture. This year, as the COVID-19 pandemic grips the world, our work takes on new virtual dimensions through online petition drives, webinars, promoting at-home film screenings, and virtual outreach to decision-makers. Your donation builds the impact of this ongoing work to achieve a torture-free world. It’s not too late to make a contribution today to show your support for NRCAT’s work for racial justice and ending torture in U.S. policy, practice and culture. Now more than ever, your gift and partnership make all the difference. Thank you for all the ways you make NRCAT a flourishing national and local interfaith campaign that grows in impact year after year. We are grateful for YOU! Ron, T.C., Matt, Johnny and Laura National Staff, National Religious Campaign Against Torture |