
The bombshell revelation that President Trump knew about Russian-backed bounties placed on the heads of American and coalition forces in Afghanistan—and did nothing about it—is one of the more disturbing failures of his presidency.

We believe that the failure to act on intelligence that American soldiers were being hunted down by Russian-backed, Taliban-linked militants is treasonous.

This dereliction of duty also critically underscores the need for electing more proven leaders to Congress who have a foreign policy or national security background. The men and women representing the United States overseas deserve leaders who understand the life and death stakes they face every day in service to their nation.

Here’s what Seth had to say about it:

“If I led my Marines into an ambush because I didn’t bother to read the intelligence report I was given that said we would get ambushed there, I wouldn’t be tweeting that it wasn’t my fault—I would be in prison.“

In honor of all the American soldiers who have fought in Afghanistan—and their families who wait at home for their return—and in service of our mission to elect more veterans, national security and foreign policy experts, and experienced service-oriented leaders, we’re asking you to split a donation between Serve America and VoteVets today.


And if you haven’t seen the viral video that VoteVets put out about Trump’s failure to protect American soldiers, please click this link and watch it.

Thank you for all that you’re doing to get our country back on track.

With you in the fight,

Serve America