Join us for the “The Revolution Report” — our monthly national membership call — tonight, July 2nd at 8:30 PM ET featuring Jamaal Bowman, Michelle Deatrick and more!
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Welcome to the July edition of The Revolution Report — the monthly e-newsletter of our national organizing network!

Don’t miss our Weekly Organizing Call every Monday night at 8:30 PM ET for Our Revolution’s national network of leaders and activists. Each call features interviews with the next generation of progressive champions!
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In this moment of crisis, Our Revolution HQ is doubling down on building up a national network of grassroots powerhouses fighting to win progressive policies, elect progressive candidates, and transform the Democratic Party.
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Featured State Organizing Meeting

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All across America, Our Revolution is electing the next wave of progressive champions up and down the ballot.
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The grassroots sent a clear message to the Democratic establishment that they are demanding transformational change, not incrementalism. In New York, Jamaal Bowman took on an entrenched incumbent — on support in 2018, easily secured her primary win. Mondaire Jones’ lead in his congressional race portends a meaningful victory for the idea that government should work for everyone, not just the wealthy few. Our Revolution also supported several candidates in the New York state legislature who are celebrating primary victories.
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Our Revolution Maryland helped propel 36-year-old progressive Brandon Scott to victory in a tight race for Baltimore mayor against Democratic machine candidates implicated in corruption scandals. Brandon was a Black Lives Matter organizer who led protests over Freddie Gray's death in 2015.
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Our Revolution Oregon helped elect Mike Schmidt to be the next District Attorney for Multnomah County (Portland), Oregon. Running on a platform of criminal justice reform, we helped him beat his establishment opponent by nearly 77% of the vote!
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With the support of Our Revolution Pittsburgh, State Rep. Summer Lee won 75% of the vote in her re-election bid even though the Allegheny County (Pittsburgh area) Democratic Party endorsed her opponent.
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As militarized police occupied the streets of Washington D.C., Janeese Lewis George defeated an establishment-backed incumbent to win a City Council seat — with the organizing support of Our Revolution D.C.
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Insurgent progressive champion Nikil Saval — the cofounder of Our Revolution affiliate Reclaim Philadelphia — won his state Senate race with 68% of the vote against an entrenched Democratic Party insider.
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In Montana, Rae Peppers, Andrea Olsen, Mary Ann Dunwell, and Sharon Stewart Peregoy each won their state legislature races. Tom Woods won his race for the Public Service Commission, and Shane Morigeau prevailed in the State Auditor contest. Our Revolution Montana made thousands of calls in support of these candidates.
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In addition to WINNING tough races, we’re getting out the vote for newly endorsed candidates in upcoming contests!

Our Revolution Massachusetts’ June organizing call featured US Rep. Ayanna Pressley and US Sen. Ed Markey — our nationally endorsed candidate — who championed the introduction of the Green New Deal alongside Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.
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Our Revolution Arizona & the Progressive Democrats of America co-hosted a state organizing meeting featuring nationally-endorsed candidate for Congress Eva Putzova, who is running to make sure “our representatives actually do the work to improve the lives of regular people.”
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Our Revolution Michigan’s monthly organizing meeting included a conversation nationally-endorsed candidate for Congress Rashida Tlaib, who noted that “if we want to dismantle structural racism, we must continue our work to end poverty and mass incarceration.”
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U.S. Rep. Mark Pocan (D-WI) — who is endorsed by ORHQ in his bid for re-election — joined the Our Wisconsin Revolution’s June statewide organizing call to talk about efforts in Congress to stop police brutality and support Americans who are struggling because of the COVID-19 pandemic.
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During this moment of crisis, Our Revolution is organizing to win transformative policies - from criminal justice reform to health care for all - at every level of government.
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Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison joined the June Our Revolution South Carolina Organizing Call to talk about his role as the prosecutor in George Floyd’s murder case. Convicting George Floyd’s killers will only be one step in the march toward justice, he said. “This powerful street energy that we see all over the country? We need to help it be converted into electoral success in the fall. If we turn our people out, we win.”
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The survey results are in! As we organize to hold the police accountable, over 55% of Our Revolution members said that defunding the police and ending special legal protections for police officers are top priorities.
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Representative Danny Davis (D-IL) joined the June Our Illinois Revolution Organizing Call to talk about Our Revolution’s efforts to pass the Justice in Policing Act. "People are sick and tired of being oppressed by police officers. They won't take it anymore. This is a time of hope for America."
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California is living through an acute housing crisis — homelessness is skyrocketing, and big cities are unaffordable for working people. That’s why Our Revolution supports the Rental Affordability Act, which would expand rent control and limit rent increases. Learn more HERE!
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Our Revolution and Our Revolution Missouri are working to pass a Medicaid expansion ballot initiative that would provide healthcare coverage to 100,000 people and help endangered rural hospitals stay open.
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Our Revolution Florida is fighting to make history with Amendment 2 on the November ballot. If approved by voters, this ballot initiative would make Florida the first state to increase the state’s minimum wage to $15 per hour through a ballot measure.
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The South Bend Common Council passed a resolution in support of Medicare for All and the Health Care Emergency Guarantee Act — which gives all city residents full health coverage until there’s a widely accessible COVID-19 vaccine. All this happened with sustained organizing by Our Revolution South Bend & Michiana — in Pete Buttigieg’s backyard!
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All across America, Our Revolution is fighting to transform the Democratic Party into a true progressive party.
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With one of the largest caucuses at the 2020 Texas Democratic Convention, Our Revolution Texas was instrumental in passing the most progressive party platform in state history. This platform includes free college tuition, Medicare for All, Texas Green New Deal, comprehensive criminal justice reform, abolishing ICE, an assault weapon ban, and much more.
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Our Revolution is helping to organize the 2020 Bernie Delegates Network — a hub for the more-than 1,000 Bernie Sanders delegates to the Democratic National Convention. It’s up to us to hold the party accountable — if you are a DNC delegate, sign-up!
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Change is built from the bottom up. That’s why we need you to join your local Our Revolution group today to organize in your community.

You can also volunteer here to help elect progressive champions. Because when we organize — together — we win!
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