From Critical Resistance <>
Subject Toward Liberation
Date July 2, 2020 7:30 PM
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Supporting abolitionist organizing in 2020 ✨

Check out our new virtual events page. ([link removed])
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Will you help us reach our July donation goal and make a gift to CR this month? ([link removed])
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Mural by @LaDimeUna for on 4400 Telegraph Ave, North Oakland, California.
Dear Critical Resistance supporters, friends and comrades,

What a year! The groundswell of Left grassroots forces is strong this year, and we are humbled and thrilled to see calls for Abolition, Defund the Police, Care Not Cages, and Invest in People ringing louder and louder across the broadest cross-movement swell we have seen in years. Together, we are seeing two solid decades of creative organizing to eliminate the prison industrial complex blossoming: into a hopeful front of abolitionist demands, undergirded by curiosity, eager political study and praxis.

Every summer, Critical Resistance turns to you— our movement base and our fellow organizers— with an ask to invest in our organizing, movement building, and political education efforts. Can you keep us ready in this urgent moment and make a gift to support CR this month ([link removed]) ?

Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic in 2020, many of our events & talks have been moved online. Luckily, this has allowed us to more easily archive our events and make each one more accessible to abolitionists and supporters around the world.
View them here. ([link removed])
The importance of your grassroots support is evident in the current explosion of abolitionist hunger—we are here because everyday people like you have donated to CR and kept us growing against the odds. Together we are moving abolition from margins to center.

The resources, lessons and tools of Critical Resistance have proved foundational in today’s surge of abolitionist readiness. Every gift you make ([link removed]) will help us prepare our organization, chapters, members and movement partners to wield abolition as our tool, our weapon and our light—toward liberation.

Our goal is to raise $25,000 this month for Critical Resistance. With your support, we will uplift abolitionist campaigns, materials and analysis as hopeful guides forward during these times when we must leave no one behind. Thank you for making a gift to Critical Resistance today!

Jess Heaney, Shirley Leslie, and the CR National Fundraising Committee

P.S. Check out our new gear, designed by Dom Villeda of Treat U Nice signs ([link removed]) for CR!
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You can…
* Donate generously. We’ll put amounts of $15, $50, $500, or $50,000 to best use! You can give online ([link removed]) or send a check in the mail.

* Become a monthly sustainer online ([link removed]) or by check (some workplaces have giving programs!).

* Donate to The Abolitionist ([link removed]) , our bilingual newspaper that we send to imprisoned people for free.

* Spread the word to family and friends by sharing this newsletter and our website, posting on social media, and encouraging people to support CR.

* Pick up some clothes, books or swag from our website. ([link removed])

Together we are moving abolition from margins to center.
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Critical Resistance
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