This weekend you may have seen the digital Save the Date for PPMW's 2020 Virtual Impact Gala. It was part of Dr. Laura Meyer's Sunday Update email. The virtual gala is taking place Friday, September 25th on a screen near you and we're thrilled to be a part of it!
Today, we are excited to share with you the first in a series of videos highlighting the Impact Gala and the impact that PPMW is making in the communities that we serve; despite the dual pandemics taking place in our nation.
We begin the series with a little background on our shift from the traditional annual gala to September's virtual experience.
We hope you will watch your inbox every Thursday to learn more about our Impact Makers and to discover how to become one of them.

With thanks, and good health,
Sarah Despres
Christine and Fred Hill
Margot Peet, Ph.D.