Chris CoonsJoin us.
Dear John,

We have to take action to stop the crisis of gun violence and mass shootings in this country, and the best place to start is with bipartisan legislation that can and should pass today.

That's why Chris is working with Pennsylvania Republican Senator Pat Toomey to pass their bipartisan NICS Denial Notification Act. This bill would make sure that federal officials notify law enforcement when a person prohibited from owning a weapon lies on their application and tries to buy one through the national background check system.

Will you join Senator Chris Coons in taking this important step towards ending gun violence? Add your name now to support bipartisan common-sense gun safety reform.

Chris supports expanding background checks and many other measures to protect our communities. He's also working with Republicans to pass gun safety measures that have bipartisan support and can get passed into law under a Republican Senate and a Republican President.

Right now, law enforcement isn't notified of a "lie and try" attempt in the 37 states where the federal government runs the background check. His bill with Senator Toomey is a simple measure that can make a big difference in empowering law enforcement to stop tragedies before they happen.

There's much more we have to do to prevent gun violence, and we can't afford to wait.

Please add your name now to become a citizen co-sponsor and join Chris in moving us one step closer to passing common-sense gun safety reform.

Thank you,

Team Coons

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