Your Weekly Republican Update

This has been a great week for New Hampshire Republicans! 

On Tuesday, we saw huge turnout in the Epping Special Election Primary, and we're excited to get to work to bring Michael Vose back to the State Legislature.

We have a special Epping Victory Fund dedicated to funding our GOTV budget for the October 8th General. With your support, we can make sure that our mail, digital, and grassroots advertising campaign in Epping is successful. 

Democrats have nominated a D.C. Insider - Naomi Andrews - to be their nominee. She served as former Congresswoman Carol Shea-Porter's Chief-of-Staff and campaign manager - the contrast between her and Michael Vose couldn't be more clear. 

We hope you would consider contributing $5 or more to our Epping Victory Fund to support our efforts in getting Michael elected. Every bit counts! 

We hope you enjoy our newsletter and see it as a resource to keep you in the loop as to what is going on throughout New Hampshire. 

- Team NHGOP

Countdown to Epping Special:
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Top Tweets
Chris Sununu Chris Sununu
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Congratulations to Michael Vose on his primary victory in Epping tonight! We need Michael back in Concord to fight…

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Chris Sununu Chris Sununu
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As negotiations with the Legislature continue, I remain optimistic that we will reach a compromise to deliver a res…

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Epping, we have our candidate! Make a rapid contribution to our Epping Victory Fund tonight:…

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Victoria Sullivan Victoria Sullivan
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Are you going to let outside influences decide this race? #MHT #NHPolitics Get involved:

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By Governor Chris Sununu
My Turn: Gov. Sununu on Medicaid rates and the budget

Negotiations with the Legislature are well underway and I remain optimistic that we will reach a compromise to deliver a responsible, balanced budget that funds the programs Granite Staters deserve, without irresponsibly raising taxes. What remains under consideration in our negotiations is Medicaid rates. Put simply, this is the amount we pay doctors and nurses to provide Medicaid services.

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Check out these articles from this week!

Scott Walker: Sununu was right to veto redistricting bill

SNHU Arena confirms Trump's record-breaking crowd for rally

Vose to challenge Andrews in special election for Epping state rep. seat

Manchester mayoral race set to heat up

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New Hampshire Republican State Committee

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(603) 225-9341
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