Backlash. Conspiracies. Authoritarianism. |
If you asked me to describe the situation in which the far-right would be most effective, it wouldn't be far off what we're seeing today. Massive global uncertainty, impending economic devastation and progressive protesters mobilised on the streets.
But what we've seen from the far-right in the last few months doesn't live up to that. They're lost and disorganised - struggling to find a single narrative or leader to corral around, failing to coordinate between different groups and figures.
The right hand doesn't know what the far-right hand is doing.
Some might take comfort in this but - as we know from every other time we are faced with similar circumstances - we cannot trust the far-right to stop themselves. We should only feel comfortable when we have done it ourselves.
We don't know what comes next. We don't know how bad the economic devastation of this virus will be, how many jobs will be lost, how many families will go hungry.
We don't know how many more will die, or how many healthcare systems will collapse under the strain.
We don't know how far authoritarian leaders are willing to go in order to dismiss or destroy those who seek to dissent.
This could be our 1945 moment - where we come out of a crisis demanding a better world than the one that existed before. Or it could be more like 1929 - where desperation and devastation leads to fear and hatred.
Neither of these outcomes will happen by accident. They will be the result of one side working hard to organise and mobilise behind what they believe in. Despite their current situation, we know from history that the far-right can get their act together and do that hard work.
HOPE not hate has produced a magazine that covers the current state of the British far-right. In it we explore the situation as it currently stands, what it could look like in the future, and what we can do together to fight back. It is absolutely essential reading, and you can get yourself a free copy today by becoming a member.
I know that we can push back against the hatred that seeks to exploit people's fear - I know this, because we've done it before. But it's only possible if we all commit to putting in the hard shift.
Become a member, get your free copy of the magazine, and then let's get to work.
Nick Lowles. |
Can't wait to read? Check out some articles: |
Love, loss and belonging.
Chris Fairley writes about the potential loss of local football clubs, and the impact it will have on communities. |
Building a society where we can all breathe - David Lammy |
Anti-vaxx mood swing.
Sceptical about the handling of the epidemic so far, the British public opposes compulsory vaccination or tracing, says Rosie Carter |
Get a magazine and help us to fight back. |
This is a new and dangerous time for the British far-right. They're at a crossroads, unsure of what comes next.
The same can't be said of us. HOPE not hate is always ready: tracking and pushing back against the extremes in our society.
Help us to do that and get your hands on a free copy of the magazine: become a member of the HOPE Action Fund today. |