Gavin Wax on Steve Bannon's War Room podcast with Raheem Kassam and Jack Posobiec
Gavin Wax & Rudy Giuliani Talk Politics
Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani invited New York Young Republican Club President Gavin Wax onto his radio show to talk about the Club's rally to defend the Teddy Roosevelt Statue this past Sunday.
“We’re here today because we’ve bettered ourselves as a society and we continue to better ourselves as a society,” Wax said. “But we’ll never be able to do that anymore if we continue to tear down our history and forget our past — and we’ll be doomed to repeat it.”
Gavin Wax, 26, from planning the protest. "This is about much more than a statue,” Mr. Wax, the president of the New York Young Republicans Club said. “You can’t judge premodern people by postmodern standards of morality, because at that rate you won’t have a history.”
The New York Republican Club called on its members to show support for the statue. About 100 of them showed up, many wearing regalia supporting President Trump. An equal number of counter-protesters turned up to denounce the statue as a symbol of a dark chapter in American history.
Gavin Wax went on to say that “we have to realize this is really about one thing and one thing only, power, because those who control the past control the future as we've seen throughout history from revolutionary Jacobins in France, to Nazi Germany, to the Soviet Union, to Maoist China.”
Gavin Wax, president of the New York Young Republicans Club, responsible for the demonstration told the New York Post: 'This statue is of a proud American. Was he perfect? No. No one was perfect… he did a lot for this country.
During the counter-demonstration, Gavin Mario Wax, president of the New York Young Republican Club, gave an impassioned speech about standing up to left-wing activists and protesters who wants to erase our history and destroy our cities. Wax also repeatedly took shots at elected Republicans for their apparent weak response to the left’s increasingly radical activism.
Wax, the charismatic president of the New York Young Republicans Club, delivered an equally energizing speech. “We’re here today because we’ve bettered ourselves as a society and we continue to better ourselves as a society,” he said. “But we’ll never be able to do that anymore if we continue to tear down our history and forget our past — and we’ll be doomed to repeat it.”
“You'll never be able to make a better future if you erase our past. And that's something that happens in tyrannical regimes,” Gavin Wax, president of the New York Young Republican Club told Fox News. “I’ve never heard of a free society that wants to erase the past.”