Two. Hundred. Judges.

John, we're making history!

The United States Senate has officially confirmed 200 judges during the Trump presidency. In the process, we have filled every federal circuit court vacancy in the nation for the first time in 40 years!

John, I am incredibly proud of the historic milestone we have passed in confirming conservative judicial nominees to the federal courts. In fact, President Trump and our Republican Senate majority have outpaced President Obama in confirming judges!

But with 200 judicial confirmations, we've enraged the Radical Left once again. The angry mobs will be out in full force to defeat President Trump – and me – this November.

My efforts to confirm conservative judges have landed me on the target lists of Washington Democrats, liberal Super PACs, and the Hollywood elite. The Radical Left is coming for me with an intensity not seen since Justice Brett Kavanaugh's confirmation hearings.

That's why I need your help today, John. I know you believe in the work I have been doing to confirm President Trump's judicial nominees, but will you stand with me today?

Yes, Senator Graham,
I stand with you!

I am counting on you.


Lindsey Graham

Lindsey Graham

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