We already knew the Bank of England was bailing out big polluters and bad bosses John - but our new report released today exposes all the alarming details. [1]
Of the 63 companies who’ve taken almost £19 billion in public money, 39% have cut more than 34,000 jobs and 56% of the money’s gone to airlines, car makers, and oil and gas companies. To capture all the carbon these companies emit in just one year alone, we’d need to plant more than 6.9 billion trees - that’s an area three times the size of the UK!
The Prime Minister’s made countless promises to ‘build back better’ but that’ll be impossible if the Bank keeps handing out loans without forcing companies to do better. [2]
A new poll in today’s papers shows the majority of people think corporations should only be given public money if it comes with environmental and social conditions attached. [3]
To turn Boris’s words into action, we need to turn this public anger into public pressure. John, please will you sign the petition now to pile on the pressure?