"You can cuss out colonialism, imperialism, and all other kinds of ism, but it's hard for you to cuss that dollarism. When they drop those dollars on you, your soul goes."
— Malcolm X
The Anti-Austerity Group spent the last couple of months leading the fight against the state budget - big thanks to everyone who organized protests, worked with unions and worked to defund the police and refund working people.
Just as important as changing our financial priorities is changing our investing priorities - as we seek to build institutions that are built and led by the community.
The Anti-Austerity Committee has filled its purpose and is about to transition towards work devoted to police accountability.
And for the next four months, MADSA is going to make some transitions too - towards building an organization that's more accountable, more vocal, simpler to engage with, and more enriching to be a part of.
It's important that transition puts you at the center of it.
Tonight, A Forum On Chapter Structure.
Let's have some "preliminary" talk about what an improved chapter structure might look like.
The executive committee will talk about their experiences and you the membership will express ideas for an exec that reflects your ideal DSA.
Open Executive Meeting This Sunday!
What's going on in MADSA? What are our political goals, what are the ways to plug in?
Well, the executive meeting is a good way to see that, in a pinch. We meet at 6pm Sundays and it's very easy to observe.
We really want to remind you that notes on all of our executive meetings are available at your request - those are your rights as a member!
Join Mary Hooks For A "Fxck July 4th" Rally
What exactly is there to celebrate? The United States is stumbling forward another year, but the violence embedded in its culture needs to be curbed right now.
Join Mary Hooks from Southerners on New Ground and the folks at MMMP for a rally that's cultivating change from injustices and police brutality towards Black women and the LGBTQ+ community.
Monday Night Justice
DEFUND THE POLICE. The Anti-Austerity Group has finished its mission, and we've transferred our work to holding the APD accountable. Meet us at 6PM as we identify targets in city council, talk about coalition partners, and plan our next moves.
Just Transition for Georgia is meeting at 7PM. The work continues to build a more democratic energy system.
The Local Electoral Working Group is meeting at 8. While MADSA isn't making any more endorsements for the 2020 term, we're going to talk about ways we can continue to get involved - fighting voter suppression in every avenue this year, preparing to take on the city council next year, and more.
Rainbow Roses...
MADSA's LGBTQ+ caucus is back and in style. It's an affirming space for members to educate themselves on intersectional queer experience while building a strong queer socialist community and practicing community care.
We're developing a reading group with weekly virtual meetings, and we'll also promote and support both internal and external direct-action efforts that center the radical anti-state violence roots of the LGBTQ+ movement.
This first meeting will be Thursday, July 9th at 7PM.
If you personally think it's cool that people of color in the chapter are organizing explicitly socialist responses to our current crisis - and leading a vocal alternative to the limp reforms being offered by the Mayor's office - help us buy equipment and materials so we can spread the word.
We came pretty close on our $600 goal - and we're already organizing a new event to reimagine police safety with Community Movement Builders and Science for the People.
Would you like to put us over the top?
We're a socialist organization that's operating during the crisis of the century - we don't like to spend a lot of money.
The more y'all support us, the more we know to be aggressive in meeting this moment.
Our last Defund and Abolish event went smoothly and got huge attendance - the activist community knows we know how to lead...
Now we want people to know we can help. With a little more we can buy our own audio equipment so Black organizers in town can come to us for support. Sound good?
If you’re a member you’ve got access to the slack channel - there’s no faster way to get plugged in to committees and working groups. We definitely need your time and energy more than ever, whether it’s contacting other members or elected officials, serving as a mediator, or even making posts like this one.
Our ability to labor for each other makes us an unstoppable force, and now it’s time for you to join the winning team.