Stop Making Sense

Kurt Schlichter

Universities Sowing the Seeds of Their Own Obsolescence

Victor Davis Hanson

Liberals Are Creating A Nation Of Spoiled Brats

Derek Hunter

Antifa's A Laugh Riot – Until It Comes For You!

Ann Coulter

It Is Time for America to Make a Stand

William Marshall

Supreme Court Abortion Ruling: Celebrities Declare ‘Victory for Women’

Katie Yoder

Senior Living Facilities: All the Vote Fraud We Cannot See

Ken Blackwell

Democrat hypocrisy: Private Security for Themselves, Defund Police and Banning Carrying Concealed Handguns for Others

John R. Lott, Jr.

Lessons Learned

Laura Hollis

Larry Elder's New Doc, 'Uncle Tom,' Will Frighten the American Left

John Kass

As Bastiat Would Say, Peer Past the Obvious With Pandemic Policies

Veronique de Rugy

NYT: It Is Time for Reparations

Mark Nuckols

The Professor's War Against Truth

Emmett Tyrrell

Unpredictable John Roberts

Cal Thomas

The Smart Way to Buy American and Target China

Maj. Gen. Paul Vallely

Is America a “Failed” Experiment?

Jerry Newcombe

Daily Litany

Armstrong Williams

Qatar Hired Former CIA Hackers To Carry Out Global Criminal Activities, Lawsuit Alleges

EJ Kimball

Soldiers, Sailors and Sacrificial Lambs

Thomas P. Kilgannon

The Mayor of Seattle Has a Rude Awakening About CHOP

Michael Brown

Marquette’s Admissions Litmus Test

M.D. Kittle

President Donald J. Trump’s ‘America First’ Missile Defense Program Needs Support

Beau Rothschild

Gov. Evers: Saying Abortionists 'Execute Babies' Is 'Blasphemy'
Trump blasts Schiff as 'political hack'
Pelosi's condescension offers some laughs
Pelosi open to border infrastructure
Covid Coverage Cherry-Picking
The Scam “Second Wave" Is More Testing And Cherry-Picking
Orwell Was Right
Emerging Market Overperformance And Interest Rates
America’s Threats In The Big Picture
What CHAZ Failure Says About Socialism
How Twitter Censoring President Trump Over His 'They're After You' Tweet Pretty Much Proves His Point

Matt Vespa

Harvard Grad Feels the Impact of Cancel Culture When a TikTok Video About Black Lives Matter Got Her Canned

Beth Baumann

Three Years Later and Alyssa Milano's 'Cultural Appropriation' Isn't Sitting Well with People

Beth Baumann

Trump Team Sets Record Fundraising Haul in Second Quarter

Bronson Stocking

The Tyrannical Loophole That is Emergency Powers

Ellie Bufkin

Robert O'Brien: There's a Reason President Trump Wasn't Briefed on the Russia-Taliban Story

Beth Baumann

Australian PM Unveils Defense Escalation Plan to Prepare for Post-pandemic Global Order

Micaela Burrow

CBP Intercepts Chinese Products Made from Suspected Human Hair, Forced Labor

Bronson Stocking

Federal Lawsuits Filed Against Seattle City Leaders Is How You Really Rage Against The Machine

Sarah Lee

The New York Times Wants to Cancel Mount Rushmore

Bronson Stocking

Political Cartoons
Bearing Arms
Will This New Virginia Gun Law Really Cause Sales To Plummet? | Cam Edwards
Yep, Loeffler's Comments About Armed Protest Were Wrong | Tom Knighton
New Gun Control Laws Take Effect In VA As Sales Soar Nationwide | Cam Edwards
MI Commission Says It CAN Ban Guns In Capitol, Doesn't | Tom Knighton
July NICS Checks At Record Highs As Americans Embrace Their 2A Rights | Cam Edwards