Due to your incredible enthusiasm, and to ensure as many people are able to apply as possible, we're extending the application deadline for our 2020 CARE Fellowship program to Monday, July 6. If you are currently caregiving and you haven't yet submitted your application, we enthusiastically encourage you to apply!
What is this fellowship all about?! The program is a first of its kind leadership development and recruitment project with the goal to develop family caregivers around the United States as organizers, advocates, community-builders, and public speakers. We see the fellowship cohort as key leaders as we work together to change the way caregiving is seen, valued, and supported in the US.
 (Some of our 2019 fellows at our national convening in Detroit, MI. Not pictured: Stephanie Evans, and Shaista Kazmi)
The uprisings occurring around the country expose the pervasive nature of racism across all facets of life, including in the care system. Because we are uniquely positioned to use our collective caregiving experiences to shine a light on systemic racism and inequity, we commit to recruiting a diverse cohort of CARE Fellows and interweaving political education around race, class, gender, and ableism throughout the curriculum.
After completing the fellowship last year, Jeffery Kearney shared: “I feel more hopeful. In the past, I have found it difficult to be hopeful about politics and policy in particular. Throughout the fellowship, getting grounded in advocacy helped me develop more of a sense of not only where this is going, a sense of, you know what, perhaps there is more support for this sort of major thing than I am willing to admit.”
The 6-month fellowship features a monthly digital workshop and training spaces with weekly activities surrounding each topic. Each fellow commits to a minimum of 10 hours monthly and receives a stipend of $250 per month for their participation.
We invite you to apply to be a part of our 2020 CARE Fellowship program. The new deadline to apply is Monday, July 6. The program’s start date is tentatively set for the week of July 27th.
Emphasis to applicants who are sandwich generation caregivers, working class caregivers, and Black caregivers.
Can’t wait to hear from you soon,
Vanessa Faraj
Manager of National Organizing
Caring Across Generations