Dear John,

The 4th of July has been a celebration of freedom and liberty in the United States which is why we choose to protest instead. According to Fannie Lou Hamer, there is no freedom to be celebrated because “No one is free until we are all free.” How can we celebrate something that is denied to the most vulnerable in our communities? This year, the staggering disparities of privilege and injustices that have been ingrained into our society have been even more exposed. Join us for one of our Independence from War Caravan this Saturday at 4pm EST to demand an end to war and violence while uplifting messages of peace and justice

What: D.C.: Independence from War Caravan
When: Saturday, July 4 at 4pm EST
Where: McPherson Sq Metro Station
Contact: Michelle Ellner · [email protected]

Should you have any questions or concerns, please email Michelle at [email protected] for more information. Visit our National landing page to see all the registered events across the country. Finally, please sign our petition to cut the Pentagon budget and endorse the Poor People’s Campaign’s Moral Budget.

Michelle and the entire CODEPINK Team

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