Friend --

These last few weeks have been a roller coaster. Between the pandemic, the presidential election, a long-overdue national conversation about anti-Black racism, and a string of important Supreme Court victories for women, immigrants, and LGBTQ Americans, what we’re fighting for has never been more clear -- and neither have the stakes in this fall’s elections.

On Thursday, July 16th, I’ll be sitting down with Pete Buttigieg for a virtual conversation moderated by Congresswoman Lauren Underwood about where we go from here.

I’d love for you to join us. Get your ticket now for the conversation at 7:00 p.m. ET on Thursday, July 16th.

I’m looking forward to talking with Pete, who made building a more equitable, sustainable, and resilient future a central part of his presidential campaign, and who has continued that fight through his organization, Win the Era. And I’m grateful to Congresswoman Lauren Underwood not only for joining us later this month, but for her tireless work on an issue close to my heart: getting more American families access to health care.

Join us on July 16th:

Get your ticket

Talk soon,