The Seattle Police Department moved into the "Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone" early on Wednesday and cleared protestors from...

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Supreme Court Fumbles AGAIN – This Time On Onerous Consumer Financial 'Protection' Bureau

By P. Gardner Goldsmith | Jun 30, 2020

Once more, John Roberts has sided with the majority of U.S. Supreme Court “Justices” to smother the original meaning of the very document that created the Supreme Court itself. This time, the majority was composed of...

More Than 300 Hong Kong Citizens Arrested After China's New Pro-Gov't Law Takes Effect

By Clay Robinson | Jul 01, 2020

Hong Kong Police have reported over 300 arrests since the implementation of China’s new national security law that criminalized any activity that “undermine[s] national unification.” The Chinese legislature adopted the new national security law on Tuesday...

CHAZ 2.0: 8 Of the Most Insane Sights From NYC's 'Occupy City Hall' Protest

By Brittany M. Hughes | Jul 01, 2020

Even as CHAZ - er, CHOP? - was finally being broken up by Seattle PD following a weeks-long stint of "occupation" spanning several city blocks, a similar occupied protest in New York City is in full...

Sen. Marsha Blackburn Sends Letter to NBA Questioning Relationship with China

By Nick Kangadis | Jul 01, 2020

Finally, someone is trying to get some answer from the National Basketball Association (NBA) concerning their relationship with the communist government of China. China has more to explain for than just their relationship with the...


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