Friend -- did you see Devon's important message below?
Already, nearly 30,000 Common Cause members have signed our petition urging states that don't offer online voter registration to enact this crucial reform.
Letting eligible Americans register to vote (or update their registration) online is a safe and secure way to empower people who might otherwise be disenfranchised by the COVID-19 pandemic.
But this crucial option still isn’t available in several states -- impacting tens of millions of Americans. Demand that these states implement online voter registration before November >>
There has never been a better time to take this reform nationwide, Friend. I hope you'll speak out today.
Jack Mumby, Deputy Digital Director
and the team at Common Cause
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Friend, we’re just months away from one of the most consequential elections of our generation -- but nationwide, potential new voters are having trouble getting registered.
That’s because the typical places to register -- like DMVs and town clerks’ offices -- have been closed for months to protect public health. And voter registration drives on college campuses, at concerts, and in neighborhoods have been shut down, too.
As a result, new registration rates are plummeting. [1] But states can combat this threat to voters’ rights -- by offering online voter registration.
Tell states without online voter registration to enact this crucial reform -- so voters can get on the rolls and make themselves heard in November, despite the COVID-19 crisis.
Online voter registration is a proven and secure way to modernize our registration systems. Letting eligible Americans add their name to the voter rolls (or update their registration) from home is convenient, safe -- and it saves those states that have implemented it money.
But this crucial option still isn’t available in several states, impacting tens of millions of Americans.
Experts say the loss of in-person registration opportunities this year will especially keep students, people of color, and naturalized immigrants from the polls. Online voter registration can help -- but states must act NOW to have this option ready for November.
There has never been a better time to take this reform nationwide. Add your name to tell target state officials: modernize our election systems with online voter registration.
Thanks for all you do,
Devon Nir, Digital Campaigner
and the team at Common Cause