
Moments ago, my team informed me that we reached our end-of-quarter goal — on top of winning our primary last night!

Once again, thank you.

I’m so grateful folks like you have joined our movement. Whether you pitch in $5 or $25, I’m proud to run a truly people-powered campaign where anyone and everyone chips in what they can to make a difference.

Now, I’m personally asking you to join my campaign as a general election founding donor. As you read this, GOP groups are launching $9 million attack ads against me and we need all the people power we can muster to fight back.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

--------original message sent June 30, 2020--------

We did it, folks!

For years, I was a geologist. Then, I ran a brewpub in downtown Colorado. I wandered into politics because I believed I could make a difference in people’s lives.

I’ve never quit believing that. Never more so than tonight.

Moments ago — thanks to folks like you — I became the official Democratic nominee for Colorado’s U.S. Senate seat. I’m so proud of this team and the movement we’re building together. But, we cannot rest quite yet.

Remember, we’re not just taking on Cory Gardner in this race. We’re also up against Donald Trump, Mitch McConnell, and their entire network of billionaire special interests who will do whatever it takes to keep business-as-usual in Washington.

Tomorrow morning, right-wing groups will hit the airwaves with $9 million attacking me now that I’m officially the nominee. They’ll throw every dirty trick in the book at us and we need to be prepared for anything.

So, I’m asking you to become a founding donor as we reach a turning point in this election. Will you donate $10 now to help us build the campaign we need to flip this seat and take back the Senate majority for Democrats?

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

When I look at the chaos and incompetence of how Washington Republicans run this country, I know there has never been a better time to say enough is enough.

Hundreds of thousands of Coloradans and millions of Americans are out of work. They deserve better.

Millions of Americans took to the streets this month to protest police brutality and demand racial and social justice. They deserve better.

Our children and grandchildren go to school scared of being a victim in the next mass shooting. They will have to deal with the worst effects of climate change. They deserve better.

Millions of Americans with pre-existing conditions are at risk of losing their health care under this Administration. They deserve better.

Let me be clear, change is coming and you and I are gonna bring it together. We must unite the Democratic Party to beat Cory Gardner and bring about the change this country so desperately needs.

But this fight won’t be easy.

Donald Trump, Republicans and their dark money groups are going to keep throwing everything they’ve got at us because they can’t defend Cory Gardner’s record.

They can’t defend him trying to gut people’s health care, supporting tax breaks for the wealthy, or his cowardly silence as Donald Trump ignored a pandemic, fanned the flames of racism and divided the America we love.

It’s never been more important that we win this race and take back our government. Please, donate $10 or anything you can afford, to become a founding donor of our historic campaign.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

I want to thank everyone who cast a vote, made a phone call, endorsed this campaign, sent a text or just cheered us on.

Thank you to the tireless campaign staff who worked countless hours to spread our message of bringing people together to deliver change.

And thanks, most of all, to my wife Robin and my son Teddy for putting up with me campaigning in quarantine with them. They make every minute of my life better than the one before.

We are living in awfully tough times right now, and it’s clear we have our work cut out for us. But together, we can beat Cory Gardner, flip the Senate and change Washington.

Thank you. Let’s get to work.

— John