Spend on public services not nuclear weapons

Prime Minister Boris Johnson this week announced his so-called ‘New Deal’, pledging to spend £5 billion to rebuild Britain’s economy following the devastation caused by Covid-19. But this is not enough: it's just a tiny fraction of the £205 billion the government is spending on new nuclear weapons.

Our NHS is already struggling after 10 years of austerity, it now needs real investment to repay the service of NHS workers throughout this crisis, and to guarantee the health of our country.

While the Prime Minister promises to spend £1 billion on school building, this falls far short of the billions actually needed, according to the National Audit Office.

And what about climate change? Any recovery plan should be deeply rooted in the need to make sure Britain is meeting its commitment to cut carbon emissions and is dealing with ongoing problems like flooding.

What we don’t need is new nuclear weapons.

This is why CND has joined over 300 other organisations and civil society leaders to demand we Build Back Better. This new coalition campaigns for a new deal that protects public services, tackles inequality in our communities, provides secure well-paid jobs and creates a shockproof economy which can fight the climate crisis. 

Add your name to the Build Back Better statement

This is the time for a new vision of society, and nuclear weapons have no part in it.

Bake an NHS not Trident cake

On Sunday 5th July, the NHS turns 72.

To celebrate our wonderful health service, thank those that work for it and to demand the government gets its priorities right, we’re asking our supporters to bake an NHS not Trident birthday cake. And, if possible depending on coronavirus restrictions, deliver it to your local MP - or send a photo. Please get involved if you have time to bake this week!

Click here for more information

Disarming Doomsday webinar

And finally, don't forget CND's next webinar this Saturday (July 4th).

Join Dr Becky Alexis-Martin in conversation with CND vice-chair Tom Unterrainer, discussing her new book “Disarming Doomsday: The Human Impacts of Nuclear Weapons Since Hiroshima”. The webinar is hosted by CND General Secretary Kate Hudson. Disarming Doomsday recently won the LHM Ling Outstanding First Book Award and Becky is a Lecturer at Manchester Metropolitan University.

Register to view webinar on Zoom


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