NEW TOOL ALERT on California ACEs Action: Policy Advocacy Toolkit.
Article by Donielle Prince, ACEs Connection Staff
We've added a new "widget" to the home page of the California ACEs Action page on ACEs Connection!
This widget is our Policy Advocacy Toolkit, featuring links to four blog posts that provide data and analysis to use in your local policy advocacy. This toolkit will remained "pinned" on the home page for quick access whenever you are seeking to develop messages about the state of trauma informed practice in California.
Below, find brief descriptions of the information you will find at each link in the toolkit:
2019 Child Adversity Bills
Compiled by Gail Yen for Children Now, this post lists recent CA legislation addressing trauma, with a brief summary of the bill purpose, as well as the most recently reported status of each bill. For most recent updates, each bill title is URL linked directly to its page on the California Legislative Information website…