Web Version:
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This June issue of the library newsletter includes Irish publications and international evidence
resources related to drugs, alcohol and tobacco. You can also browse our online Covid-19 collection
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] [
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], which includes Covid-19 - drug and alcohol surveys: evidence collection [
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To view our entire collection of research and access our resources visit www.drugsandalcohol.ie [
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] [
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] Ireland's comprehensive drug and alcohol research library. Follow us on Twitter @HRBdrugslibrary [
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Dealing with Covid-19 and beyond.
Merchants Quay Ireland, Coolmine Therapeutic Community, Depaul. (2020) Dealing with Covid-19 and
beyond. Dublin: Merchants Quay Ireland, Coolmine Therapeutic Community and Depaul.
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Clusters of health behaviours among young adults in Ireland.
Nolan, Anne and Smyth, Emer (2020) Clusters of health behaviours among young adults in Ireland.
Dublin: ESRI.
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Sharing the vision: a mental health policy for everyone.
Ireland. Department of Health. (2020) Sharing the vision: a mental health policy for everyone.
Dublin: Government of Ireland.
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Programme for Government – our shared future.
Fine Fail, Fine Gael, The Green Party. (2020) Programme for Government – our shared future. [Draft].
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Drug policy and human rights in Europe: a baseline study.
Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights. Bardell, Hannah (2020) Drug policy and human rights in
Europe: a baseline study. Brussels: Parliamentary Assembly, Council of Europe.
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Patients' experiences of engagement with healthcare services following a high-risk self-harm
presentation to a hospital emergency department: a mixed methods study.
Cully, Grace and Leahy, Dorothy and Shiely, Frances and Arensman, Ella (2020) Patients' experiences
of engagement with healthcare services following a high-risk self-harm presentation to a hospital
emergency department: a mixed methods study. Archives of Suicide Research , pp. 1-21.
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A clinician's guide to self-poisoning with paracetamol in youth: the what, when and why?
Hayden, John C and Kelly, Louisa and McNicholas, Fiona (2020) A clinician's guide to self-poisoning
with paracetamol in youth: the what, when and why? Acta Paediatrica , Early online .
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Policing with trust.
Ana Liffey Drug Project. (2020) Policing with trust. Dublin: Ana Liffey Drug Project.
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The Growing Up in Ireland Child Cohort come of age: review of the literature pertaining to the 17/18
year wave.
Murray, Aisling and McNamara, Eoin and Murphy, Daraine and O'Reilly, Caoimhe and Neary, Martha and
James, Oscar (2020) The Growing Up in Ireland Child Cohort come of age: review of the literature
pertaining to the 17/18 year wave. Dublin: ESRI; Trinity College Dublin; Department of Children and
Youth Affairs.
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The active* consent / union of students in Ireland sexual experiences survey 2020: sexual violence
and harassment experiences in a national survey of higher education institutions.
Burke, Lorraine and O'Higgins, Siobhan and McIvor, Charlotte and Dawson, Kate and O'Donovan, Roisin
and MacNeela, Padraig (2020) The active* consent / union of students in Ireland sexual experiences
survey 2020: sexual violence and harassment experiences in a national survey of higher education
institutions. Galway: NUI Galway.
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The hidden cost of poverty.
Collins, Michael (2020) The hidden cost of poverty. Dublin: Society of St Vincent de Paul.
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Experiences of stigma in healthcare settings by people living with HIV in Ireland: a qualitative
Vaughan, Elena and Power, Martin and Sixsmith, Jane (2020) Experiences of stigma in healthcare
settings by people living with HIV in Ireland: a qualitative study. AIDS Care , Early online , pp.
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Caring for opioid drug users during the COVID-19 pandemic – a commentary on the Irish experience.
Crowley, Des and Cullen, Walter (2020) Caring for opioid drug users during the COVID-19 pandemic – a
commentary on the Irish experience. Heroin Addiction and Related Clinical Problems , Early online .
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COVID-19 Impact on secondary mental healthcare services in Ireland. College of Psychiatrists survey
issued to consultants June 2020.
College of Psychiatry of Ireland. (2020) COVID-19 Impact on secondary mental healthcare services in
Ireland. College of Psychiatrists survey issued to consultants June 2020. Dublin: College of
Psychiatrists of Ireland.
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FRCs: supporting families during the Covid-19 crisis.
Family Resource Centre National Forum. (2020) FRCs: supporting families during the Covid-19 crisis.
Dublin: Family Resource Centre National Forum.
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Establishing prison-led contact tracing to prevent outbreaks of COVID-19 in prisons in Ireland.
Clarke, Mattea and Devlin, John and Conroy, Emmett and Kelly, Enda and Sturup-Toft, Sunita (2020)
Establishing prison-led contact tracing to prevent outbreaks of COVID-19 in prisons in Ireland.
Journal of Public Health , Early online .
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Crime trends during Covid-19. March-May 2020.
An Garda Siochana. (2020) Crime trends during Covid-19. March-May 2020. Dublin: An Garda Siochana.
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The challenges of COVID-19 for community pharmacists and opportunities for the future.
Hayden, John C and Parkin, Rebecca (2020) The challenges of COVID-19 for community pharmacists and
opportunities for the future. Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine , pp. 1-6.
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Virtual health.
Health Service Executive. (2020) Virtual health. HSE online .
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HIV outbreaks among people who inject drugs in Europe, North America, and Israel.
Des Jarlais, Don C et al (2020) HIV outbreaks among people who inject drugs in Europe, North
America, and Israel. The Lancet. Psychiatry, 7, (6), e434-e442.
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Patterns of health-related gender inequalities-a cluster analysis of 45 countries.
Heinz, Andreas and Catunda, Carolina and van Duin, Claire and Torsheim, Torbjørn and Willems, Helmut
(2020) Patterns of health-related gender inequalities-a cluster analysis of 45 countries. Journal of
Adolescent Health , 66 , (6S) , S29-S39.
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The psychological impact of childhood homelessness- a literature review.
D'Sa, Saskia and Foley, Deirdre and Hannon, Jessica and Strashun, Sabina and Murphy, Anne-Marie and
O'Gorman, Clodagh (2020) The psychological impact of childhood homelessness- a literature review.
Irish Journal of Medical Science , Early online .
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Clusters of contemporary risk and their relationship to mental well-being among 15-year-old
adolescents across 37 countries.
Walsh, Sophie D (2020) Clusters of contemporary risk and their relationship to mental well-being
among 15-year-old adolescents across 37 countries. Journal of Adolescent Health, 66, (6S), S40-S49.
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Risk of repetition and subsequent self-harm following presentation to hospital with suicidal
ideation: a longitudinal registry study.
Griffin, E and Kavalivdou, K and Bonner, B and O'Hagan, Denise and Corcoran, Paul (2020) Risk of
repetition and subsequent self-harm following presentation to hospital with suicidal ideation: a
longitudinal registry study. EClinicalMedicine , 23 , p. 10078.
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Suicide in Northern Ireland: epidemiology, risk factors, and prevention.
O'Neill, Siobhan and O'Connor, Rory C (2020) Suicide in Northern Ireland: epidemiology, risk
factors, and prevention. The Lancet Psychiatry , 7 , (6) , pp. 538-546.
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School satisfaction and school pressure in the WHO European region and North America: an analysis of
time trends (2002–2018) and patterns of co-occurrence in 32 countries.
Löfstedt, Petra et al (2020) School satisfaction and school pressure in the WHO European region and
North America: an analysis of time trends (2002–2018) and patterns of co-occurrence in 32 countries.
Journal of Adolescent Health, 66, (6 (supp)), S59-S69.
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News media and the influence of the alcohol industry: an analysis of media coverage of alcohol
warning labels with a cancer message in Canada and Ireland.
Vallance, Kate et al (2020) News media and the influence of the alcohol industry: an analysis of
media coverage of alcohol warning labels with a cancer message in Canada and Ireland. Journal of
Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 81, (2), pp. 273-283.
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Alcohol intake, tobacco smoking, and esophageal adenocarcinoma survival: a molecular pathology
epidemiology cohort study.
McCain, R Stephen et al (2020) Alcohol intake, tobacco smoking, and esophageal adenocarcinoma
survival: a molecular pathology epidemiology cohort study. Cancer Causes & Control, 31, (1), pp.
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Economic evaluation of five tobacco control policies across seven European countries.
Leão, Teresa et al (2020) Economic evaluation of five tobacco control policies across seven European
countries. Nicotine & Tobacco Research , 22, (7), pp 1202-1209.
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A study to assess smoking habits and smoking exposure in sportspeople.
O'Sullivan, B and Scully, P and Curtin, R J and Plant, B J (2020) A study to assess smoking habits
and smoking exposure in sportspeople. QJM , Early online .
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Cultural politics and the legacy of colonialism: tobacco control warnings and the Irish language
O'Doherty, Diane and Houghton, Frank and McInerney, Derek (2020) Cultural politics and the legacy of
colonialism: tobacco control warnings and the Irish language question. Irish Journal of Medical
Science , Early online .
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Adolescents' intense and problematic social media use and their well-being in 29 countries.
Boer, Maartje et al (2020) Adolescents' intense and problematic social media use and their
well-being in 29 countries. Journal of Adolescent Health, 66, (6S), S89-S99.
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On the normalisation of online sports gambling among young adult men in the UK: a public health
McGee, D (2020) On the normalisation of online sports gambling among young adult men in the UK: a
public health perspective. Public Health , Early online .
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Criminal Assets Bureau annual report 2019.
Criminal Assets Bureau. (2020) Criminal Assets Bureau annual report 2019. Dublin: Department of
Justice and Equality.
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Alcohol Action Ireland annual review 2019.
Alcohol Action Ireland. (2020) Alcohol Action Ireland annual review 2019. Dublin: Alcohol Action
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Recorded crime Q1 2020.
Central Statistics Office. (2020) Recorded crime Q1 2020. Dubliin: CSO.
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The State Laboratory annual report 2018.
The State Laboratory. (2020) The State Laboratory annual report 2018. Dublin: The State Laboratory.
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National Sexual Assault Treatment Unit (SATU) executive summary of annual key service activity year
ending 2018.
Eogan, Maeve (2020) National Sexual Assault Treatment Unit (SATU) executive summary of annual key
service activity year ending 2018. Dublin: National SATU Services.
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Irish Prison Service annual report 2019.
Irish Prison Service. (2020) Irish Prison Service annual report 2019. Longford: Irish Prison
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Finglas Addiction Support Team annual report 2019.
Finglas Addiction Support Team Ltd. (2020) Finglas Addiction Support Team annual report 2019.
Dublin: FAST.
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Annual overview report on the inspection and regulation of children’s services – 2019.
Health Information and Quality Authority. (2020) Annual overview report on the inspection and
regulation of children’s services – 2019. Dublin: HIQA.
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Evidence Resources
Alcohol pricing in the WHO European Region. Update report on the evidence and recommended policy
WHO Regional Office for Europe. [WHO] (2020) Alcohol pricing in the WHO European Region. Update
report on the evidence and recommended policy actions. Copenhagan: World Health Organization. 36 p.
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World drug report 2020.
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. (2020) World drug report 2020. Vienna: UNODC.
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Alcohol consumption during the COVID-19 lockdown. Summary of emerging evidence from the UK.
Institute of Alcohol Studies. [IAS] (2020) Alcohol consumption during the COVID-19 lockdown. Summary
of emerging evidence from the UK. London: Institute of Alcohol Studies. 20 p.
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Prison and opportunities for the management of COVID-19.
Crowley, Des and Cullen, Walter and O'Donnell, Patrick and Van Hout, Marie Claire . (2020) Prison
and opportunities for the management of COVID-19. BJGP Open DOI:
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After incarceration: a guide to helping women reenter the community.
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. [SAMHSA, US] (2020) After incarceration:
a guide to helping women reenter the community. Rockville, MD: Office of Intergovernmental and
External Affairs. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. 37 p. Publication no.
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Impact of COVID-19 on patterns drug use and drug-related harms in Europe.
European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction. (2020) Impact of COVID-19 on patterns drug
use and drug-related harms in Europe. Lisbon: EMCDDA. 27 p.
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Families in lockdown. The effects of the COVID-19 lockdown on the family and friends of someone with
an alcohol, drugs or gambling problem.
Adfam. (2020) Families in lockdown. The effects of the COVID-19 lockdown on the family and friends
of someone with an alcohol, drugs or gambling problem. London: Adfam. 30 p.
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Drinking alone: COVID-19, lockdown, and alcohol-related harm.
Editorial. (2020) Drinking alone: COVID-19, lockdown, and alcohol-related harm. The lancet.
Gastroenterology & Hepatology, 5 (7) doi: 10.1016/S2468-1253(20)30159-X
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Australians' drug use: adapting to pandemic threats (ADAPT) study: ADAPT bulletin no. 1.
Sutherland, R et al. (2020) Australians' drug use: adapting to pandemic threats (ADAPT) study: ADAPT
bulletin no. 1. Sydney: National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, UNSW Sydney. 4 p.
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Drug treatment of SARS-Cov2: Potential effects in patients with substance use disorders (SUD).
Ghosh, Abhishek and Roub, Fazle and Bisaga, Adam. (2020) Drug treatment of SARS-Cov2: Potential
effects in patients with substance use disorders (SUD). Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 135
(110159) doi: 10.1016/j.jpsychores.2020.110159
read more >
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Quantifying the social costs of pharmaceutical opioid misuse & illicit opioid use to Australia in
Whetton, Steve et al [NCETA] . (2020) Quantifying the social costs of pharmaceutical opioid misuse &
illicit opioid use to Australia in 2015/16. Perth, WA: National Drug Research Institute, Curtin
University. 198 p.
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Problem‐oriented policing for reducing crime and disorder: an updated systematic review and
Hinkle, Joshua C and Weisburd, David and Telep, Cody W and Petersen, Kevin [Campbell Systematic
Reviews] . (2020) Problem‐oriented policing for reducing crime and disorder: an updated systematic
review and meta‐analysis. Campbell Systematic Reviews, 16 (e1089) [link removed]
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Selecting best-fit programs and practices: guidance for substance misuse prevention practitioners.
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. [SAMHSA, US] (2020) Selecting best-fit
programs and practices: guidance for substance misuse prevention practitioners. Rockville, MD:
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. 40 p.
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Interventions for substance use disorders in adolescents: a systematic review.
Seele, Dale W et al. (2020) Interventions for substance use disorders in adolescents: a systematic
review. Rockville, MD: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. 268 p. Comparative effectiveness
review, no. 225
read more >
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Systems-level implementation of screening, brief intervention, and referral to treatment.
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. [SAMHSA, US] (2013) Systems-level
implementation of screening, brief intervention, and referral to treatment. Rockville, MD: Substance
Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. 82 p. Technical assistance publication (TAP) series
33. HHS publication no. (SMA) 13-4741.
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Substance use treatment for persons with co-occurring disorders.
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. (2020) Substance use treatment for
persons with co-occurring disorders. Rockville, MD: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services
Administration. 346 p. Treatment improvement protocol (TIP) series, no. 42. SAMHSA publication no.
[link removed]
Combined pharmacotherapy and cognitive behavioral therapy for adults with alcohol or substance use
disorders: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
Ray, Lara A and Meredith, Lindsay R and Kiluk, Brian D and Walthers, Justin and Carroll, Kathleen M
and Magill, Molly [JAMA] . (2020) Combined pharmacotherapy and cognitive behavioral therapy for
adults with alcohol or substance use disorders: a systematic review and meta-analysis. JAMA Network
Open, 3 (6 e208279) 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2020.8279
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Treatment of stimulant use disorders.
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. (2020) Treatment of stimulant use
disorders. Rockville, MD: National Mental Health and Substance Use Policy Laboratory. Substance
Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. 47 p. SAMHSA publication no. PEP20-06-01-001
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Long-term follow-up outcomes of MDMA-assisted psychotherapy for treatment of PTSD: a longitudinal
pooled analysis of six phase 2 trials.
Jerome, Lisa et al. (2020) Long-term follow-up outcomes of MDMA-assisted psychotherapy for treatment
of PTSD: a longitudinal pooled analysis of six phase 2 trials. Psychopharmacology
[link removed]
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Best practices in care transitions for individuals with suicide risk: Inpatient care to outpatient
National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention. (2020) Best practices in care transitions for
individuals with suicide risk: Inpatient care to outpatient care. Washington DC: Education
Development Center, Inc. 25 p.
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Micro-level factors associated with alcohol use and binge drinking among youth in the COMPASS study
(2012/13 to 2017/18).
Holligan, Simone D and Qian, Wei and de Groh, Margaret and Jiang, Ying and Leatherdale, Scott T .
(2020) Micro-level factors associated with alcohol use and binge drinking among youth in the COMPASS
study (2012/13 to 2017/18). Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention in Canada, 40 (3) 63-69.
doi: 10.24095/hpcdp.40.3.01
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Alcohol-related brain damage - the road to recovery.
Alcohol Concern. (2020) Alcohol-related brain damage - the road to recovery. London: Alcohol Change
[link removed]
Alcohol treatment matrix cell E2. Treatment systems; generic and cross-cutting issues.
Drug and Alcohol Findings. (2020) Alcohol treatment matrix cell E2. Treatment systems; generic and
cross-cutting issues. London: Drug and Alcohol Findings. 10 p.
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What is the current alcohol labelling practice in the WHO European Region.
Jané-Llopis, E and Kokole, D and Neufeld, Maria and Hasan, Omer Syed Muhammad and Rehm, J . (2020)
What is the current alcohol labelling practice in the WHO European Region and what are barriers and
facilitators to development and implementation of alcohol labelling policy? Copenhagen: WHO Regional
Office for Europe. 112 p.
read more >
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The role of alcohol use and drinking patterns in socioeconomic inequalities in mortality: a
systematic review.
Probst, Charlotte and Kilian, Carolin and Sanchez, Sherald and Lange, Shannon and Rehm, Jürgen .
(2020) The role of alcohol use and drinking patterns in socioeconomic inequalities in mortality: a
systematic review. The Lancet Public Health, 5 (6) E324.
DOI:[link removed](20)30052-9
read more >
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The arrogance of power: alcohol industry interference with warning label research.
Babor, Thomas F . (2020) The arrogance of power: alcohol industry interference with warning label
research. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 81 (2) [link removed]
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Report on the extent, nature, and consequences of children and young people’s exposure to alcohol
advertising and sponsorship.
O'Brien, Kerry and Vandenberg, Brian . (2020) Report on the extent, nature, and consequences of
children and young people’s exposure to alcohol advertising and sponsorship. Monash University. 82
p. [link removed]
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What popular bars post on social media platforms: a case for improved alcohol advertising
Paradis, Catherine and Zhao, Jinhui and Stockwell, Tim . (2020) What popular bars post on social
media platforms: a case for improved alcohol advertising regulation. Health Promotion and Chronic
Disease Prevention in Canada, 40 (5-6) 160-70. doi: 10.24095/hpcdp.40.5/6.03
[link removed]
Drinking patterns, alcohol-related harm and views on policies: results from a pilot of the
International Alcohol Control Study in Canada.
van der Maas, Mark and Giesbrecht, Norman and Stoduto, Gina and Orpana, Heather and Geneau, Robert
and Mann, Robert . (2020) Drinking patterns, alcohol-related harm and views on policies: results
from a pilot of the International Alcohol Control Study in Canada. Health Promotion and Chronic
Disease Prevention in Canada, 40 (5-6) 165-75. doi: 10.24095/hpcdp.40.5/6.05
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How many alcohol-attributable deaths and hospital admissions could be prevented by alternative
pricing and taxation policies? Modelling impacts
Stockwell, Tim et al. (2020) How many alcohol-attributable deaths and hospital admissions could be
prevented by alternative pricing and taxation policies? Modelling impacts on alcohol consumption,
revenues and related harms in Canada. Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention in Canada, 40
(5-6) 153-64. doi: 10.24095/hpcdp.40.5/6.04
[link removed]
Psychotic disorder and cannabis use: Canadian hospitalization trends, 2006-2015.
Maloney-Hall, Bridget and Wallingford, Sarah C and Konefal, Sarah and Young, Matthew M . (2020)
Psychotic disorder and cannabis use: Canadian hospitalization trends, 2006-2015. Health Promotion
and Chronic Disease Prevention in Canada, 40 (5-6) 176-83. [link removed]
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Assessment of fetal alcohol spectrum disorders. A training manual.
Pan American Health Organization. (2020) Assessment of fetal alcohol spectrum disorders. A training
manual. Washington DC: Pan American Health Organization. 55 p. License: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO
read more >
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Problematic substance use or problematic substance use policies?
Stockwell, Tim and Benoit, Cecilia and Card, Kiffer and Sherk, Adam . (2020) Problematic substance
use or problematic substance use policies? Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention in
Canada, 40 (5-6) [link removed]
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Crystal meth: Europe could now see a surge in supply and use.
Hamilton, Ian and Sumnall, Harry . (2020) Crystal meth: Europe could now see a surge in supply and
use. The Conversation
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Addiction stigma and the production of impediments to take-home naloxone uptake.
Fomiatti, Renae and Farrugia, Adrian and Fraser, Suzanne and Dwyer, Robyn and Neale, Joanne and
Strang, John . (2020) Addiction stigma and the production of impediments to take-home naloxone
uptake. Health: An Interdisciplinary Journal for the Social Study of Health, Illness and Medicine
doi: 10.1177/1363459320925863
[link removed]
Autonomy, competence and relatedness and cannabis and alcohol use among youth in Canada: a
cross-sectional analysis.
Enns, Aganeta and Orpana, Heather . (2020) Autonomy, competence and relatedness and cannabis and
alcohol use among youth in Canada: a cross-sectional analysis. Health Promotion and Chronic Disease
Prevention in Canada, 40 (5-6) 201-10. doi: 10.24095/hpcdp.40.5/6.09
[link removed]
Evaluation of availability of survey data about cannabis use.
Geissler, Kimberley H and Kaizer, Kia and Johnson, Julie K and Doonan, Samantha M and Whitehill,
Jennifer M [JAMA] . (2020) Evaluation of availability of survey data about cannabis use. JAMA
Network Open, 3 (6 e206039) doi: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2020.6039.
[link removed]
The engagement of young people in drug interventions in coercive contexts: findings from a
cross-national European study.
Duke, Karen and Gleeson, Helen and Dabrowska, Katarzyna and Herold, Maria and Rolando, Sara . (2020)
The engagement of young people in drug interventions in coercive contexts: findings from a
cross-national European study. Drugs: Education Prevention and Policy
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Improving adolescent health: translating Health Behaviour in School-aged Children evidence Into
Budisavljevic, Sanja et al. (2020) Improving adolescent health: translating Health Behaviour in
School-aged Children evidence Into policy. Journal of Adolescent Health, 66 (6S)
DOI:[link removed]
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Drug decriminalization policy. Literature review: models, implementation and outcomes.
Unlu, Ali and Tammi, Tuukka and Hakkarainen, Pekka . (2020) Drug decriminalization policy.
Literature review: models, implementation and outcomes. Helsinki: Finnish institute for health and
welfare. 93 p.
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American Cancer Society guideline for diet and physical activity for cancer prevention.
Rock, Cheryl L et al. (2020) American Cancer Society guideline for diet and physical activity for
cancer prevention. CA: a cancer journal for clinicians doi: 10.3322/caac.21591
[link removed]
Impact of health warning labels communicating the risk of cancer on alcohol selection
Clarke, Natasha et al (2020) Impact of health warning labels communicating the risk of cancer on
alcohol selection: an online experimental study. Addiction, Early online
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More than 66% of inmates in busiest prisons are on medication.
[Irish Examiner] Baker, Noel (29 Jun 2020)
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Excessive use of laughing gas can damage spine, Dutch doctors say.
[Irish Times] Cluskey, Peter (26 Jun 2020)
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Govt urged to keep homeless accommodation in place.
[RTE News] Conneely, Ailbhe (24 Jun 2020)
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AAI believes the Programme for Government offers real potential to reduce alcohol harm.
Alcohol Action Ireland. (20 Jun 2020)
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Alcohol Action Ireland urge men to rethink what they drink.
[Alcohol Action Ireland] (19 Jun 2020)
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Minister Zappone launches Supporting Children campaign.
[Department of Children and Youth Affairs] (19 Jun 2020)
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Over 9.7 million worth of drugs seized at Ireland's mail centres last year.
[newstalk.com] (18 Jun 2020)
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1,026 children treated in hospital for drug and alcohol-related illnesses last year.
Digital Desk Staff. [Irish Examiner] (17 Jun 2020)
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Alcohol in Ireland: Dying for a drink.
[Medical Independent] Marrinan, Alan(16 Jun 2020)
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The Irish Council for Civil Liberties call for urgent drug policy review.
[Hot Press] Clark, Stuart(16 Jun 2020)
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Two-thirds of men turn to alcohol to combat loneliness and boredom during Covid-19 pandemic.
[thejournal.ie] McCrave, Conor (15 Jun 2020)
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500 sting operations carried out in two years at licensed premises to see if they'd sell to
[thejournal.ie] (12 Jun 2020)
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FF, FG and Greens must meet their commitments to the Public Health Alcohol Act.
[Alcohol Action Ireland] (12 Jun 2020)
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Pandemic swells demand for addiction support services.
[RTE News] Bowers, Fergal (11 Jun 2020)
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'Two or three glasses is not against the law': It's not illegal to drink in public places, Taoiseach
tells Dáil. However, bye-laws prohibit the activity in many parts of the country.
[thejournal.ie] Halpin, Hayley and Burke, Ceimin (11 Jun 2020)
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Number of children addicted to alcohol falls by half in decade.
[Independent.ie] Kelleher, Lynne (07 Jun 2020)
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Use of nitrous oxide or 'hippie crack' on the rise during pandemic.
[thejournal.ie] MacNamee, Garreth (03 Jun 2020)
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Growing concern about the volumes of alcohol being brought into Irish homes.
[Alcohol Action Ireland] (05 Jun 2020)
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Global Drug Survey predicts that "following lockdown, many regions will be flooded by high purity
Hot Press News Desk. [Hot Press] (04 Jun 2020)
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Over half of Irish people say they drink alcohol more frequently since Covid-19 restrictions brought
[thejournal.ie] Dwyer, Orla (03 Jun 2020)
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Locked up in lockdown: How prisons are coping with Covid-19.
[Irish Times] Lally, Conor (01 Jun 2020)
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Dail Debates
Oireachtas debates
Covid-19 (Health): statements [Alcohol]. [
[link removed]
] (17 Jun 2020)
Covid-19 (Health): statements [Crime and forums]. [
[link removed]
] (17 Jun 2020)
Covid-19 (Health): statements [Keltoi]. [
[link removed]
] (17 Jun 2020)
Covid-19 (Justice and Equality): statements. [
[link removed]
] (04 Jun 2020)
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