DUP News Update   -   23th August 2019

Attempts to undermine EU negotiations not in national interest - DUP Leader

DUP Leader with Prime Minister Boris Johnson at Stormont. 
Commenting on leaked Government report on Operation Yellowhammer, DUP Leader Arlene Foster MLA said,

“This leak has come at a time when the new Prime Minister is planning to speak to EU leaders as we approach the UK leaving the EU in October. Attempts to undermine these talks with EU negotiators are not in the national interest.

It is important that we use the remaining time to work on getting a deal, with the best possible outcome for the UK. There is still time for a deal but requires an attitude change in Dublin and Brussels.

Continued fearmongering and intransigence is an easy route for some to take, rather than work together for the best possible outcome. It’s not rhetoric but cool heads and solutions that are needed.

The backstop and any creation of an Irish Sea border would undermine the Union and indeed it will be catastrophic for our economy. As a party we will continue to support the government to work towards a deal that respects the referendum result and maintains the constitutional and economic integrity of the UK.”

“Entire community placed at risk by bombers” - Foster

DUP Leader Arlene Foster MLA has condemned those responsible for planting a bomb in Wattlebridge, Newtownbutler. 

Mrs Foster, the MLA for Fermanagh and South Tyrone, said, 

“This was a terrorist act designed to kill police officers but evidently the general public using this road were also placed at extreme risk.  

The bombers do not represent the people of Fermanagh. I have been contacted by people from both sides of the border, from unionist and republican backgrounds, this act of terrorism is not in their name. 

On a very basic level, we campaign for more police on the ground to tackle rural crime and yet here are republican bombers attempting to lure police officers to their death as they go about their job of keeping people safe.  

The police officers were serving everyone whilst the terrorists are seeking to breed fear and division.  We must stand united with the PSNI and our Army Technical Officers. 

There has been a trend developing of this type of secondary device.  I have spoken to the Chief Constable and assured him of our support.  I have also spoken with the Secretary of State and urged him to ensure the police have the necessary resources to put those who cling to terrorism and criminality out of business.  

We need to demonstrate as a society that we will not be bowed or broken by the threat of violence.  My father’s generation did not cede way to violence and for the sake of the next generation, we must not either. 

Today serves as another reminder of the bravery of our security forces, who put on a uniform to protect the entire community from harm. My thoughts are with the police officers and ATOs who escaped injury in Wattlebridge.

The bombers are opportunists who want nothing more than to cause fear and destruction. They will not be allowed to succeed.”

Bunting welcomes PSNI investigation of funeral gunfire

Speaking after footage emerged of shots being fired over the coffin of an IRA terrorist, East Belfast MLA and DUP Policing Board member Joanne Bunting said,
“I have been speaking to the police at Assistant Chief Constable level. I asked them to investigate this footage at the highest level. There is clear evidence from the video with lines of inquiry that must be explored. The police have confirmed that an investigation has been opened.  This is welcome but every effort must be made to ensure that despicable actions like this are thwarted in the future. 
Displays like this cannot go unchallenged in a Belfast housing estate. It is unacceptable.  This should not be normal.  It should have no space to take place in our society. Terrorism should have no place on our streets.
The glorification of all terrorism is abhorrent. Setting aside the shots being fired, this man was convicted for one of the most horrific and cruel acts of murder to take place in the Troubles.  The murder was played out on live television.  It laid bare the hatred. To glorify the man who carried out this atrocity is sick and abhorrent. It only serves to confuse the next generation.  Bombs in 2019 are wrong but so were bombs and murders in 1988.
I will be raising this at the next Policing Board meeting.   With the next meeting not scheduled until September, I will be exploring how this can be expedited. 

The Board should make a clear statement that they stand as one against paramilitary displays. I also want the police to outline and explain what action was taken when displays like this took place in the past.  We need to see what arrests were made and if any files were sent to the PPS. 
With events this week, it is clear that there are still some who believe terrorism is the way forward. Such displays belong to our dark past. It’s time the PSNI step up their action to deal with it. Those intent on fear and destruction must not be allowed to succeed.”

Foster & Robinson meet with H&W Administrators


On Tuesday afternoon DUP Leader Arlene Foster MLA and East Belfast MP Gavin Robinson met with the Harland and Wolff administrators. 

Speaking afterwards Mr Robinson said:
"There was a very positive meeting today with the administrators. It was encouraging to hear that there are two valid and credible bids. These bidders recognised the skill of the workers employed by Harland and Wolff and this will be welcome news for those employees. 

Today's meeting follows the positive announcement on Friday that there is an extension to the temporary layoff of workers. It is important that the administrators now take the next steps to look at the potential of each bidder, which will provide the best outcome for Harland and Wolff. 

Along with the DUP Leader, I have been working diligently to ensure the Government recognise the need for action on this matter. We have had high level discussions and will ensure engagement continues to provide a sustainable future for Harland and Wolff."

 Storey expresses concern at attacks on places of worship

DUP Policing Board Member and North Antrim MLA Mervyn Storey has reacted to startling statistics obtained by Christian Action Research and Education (CARE) highlighting that there were 445 attacks on places of worship in Northern Ireland in the past three years. 

The findings, released by the PSNI, detail attacks on churches, religious buildings, churchyards or cemeteries across each of the 11 Northern Ireland policing districts.

Commenting, Mr Storey said:

‘‘In a free and fair society it is vital that the rights of those of faith are protected and defended. Nobody should be afraid to attend their place of worship. These statistics, which have been secured through research by CARE NI, signal a worrying trend of criminal damage on churches and other religious buildings across Northern Ireland. It is particularly concerning that on average an attack took place every other day in the each of the last three years on record. 

In many instances attacks like these leave the affected faith-based organisation with soaring costs for repairs and prohibitive insurance premiums in the future. It is important that Executive Departments, the PSNI and the Board work closely and proactively to examine all potential means of addressing the needs of victims of these crimes. Government and bodies in the criminal justice system must also explore how preventative practical support can also be provided to churches, focusing on installing security and discouraging anti-social behaviour. Similar initiatives have successfully been rolled-out in England and Wales. 

I will be taking steps to raise these crime figures with the PSNI and Policing Board moving forward.  As we continue to pursue better criminal justice outcomes and hold the PSNI to account it is vital that no-one is left behind. That means meeting the needs of those of religious faith or belief or indeed none.’’

Donaldson – “joint letter confirms all unionist parties oppose backstop” 

The DUP’s Lagan Valley MP Sir Jeffrey Donaldson has said the best way to protect the Belfast Agreement as the UK exits the EU is for a sensible deal to be reached.
Sir Jeffrey was speaking after the Alliance Party, the Green Party, the SDLP and Sinn Fein wrote a joint letter to Donald Tusk.
Commenting Mr Donaldson said,
“The signatories to this letter demonstrate that the backstop does not have the support of representatives from both communities in Northern Ireland.
The withdrawal agreement fundamentally undermines the Belfast Agreement as it would erect a new border between Northern Ireland and the rest of the United Kingdom.
The best way to protect the Belfast Agreement and enjoy a positive north-south relationship is to have a sensible deal as we exit the European Union. 
Those who peddle scare stories about barbed wire and soldiers on checkpoints are being irresponsible. Neither London nor Dublin have any plans to go back to the borders of the 70s and 80s even in a no deal scenario. 
The Belfast Agreement was about balancing the views of unionists and nationalists yet these parties want to foist a deal on Northern Ireland which every unionist party opposes.  So much for those parties’ commitments to a shared future.
If the President of the European Council genuinely sees himself as a safeguard to peace and stability in Northern Ireland, then he will recognise the need to listen to the views of unionists.”
Diary Page

Dates for your Diary

  • Annual Party Conference - 25th & 26th October - Crowne Plaza Hotel, Shaws Bridge Belfast.
  • Autumn Policy Development Forum - A Vision for Unionism - Saturday 7th September, 9.30am at Corr's Corner Hotel, Newtownabbey 

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