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Education Minister Peter Weir announced £156 in capital funding for nine schools last week – eight of which are from the Catholic Maintained schools sector, with only one from the controlled schools sector.
The Prime Minister has thanked Christians who prayed for him while he was hospitalised with coronavirus earlier this year. Boris Johnson was speaking at the National Parliamentary Prayer Breakfast, which was broadcast live from the Houses of Parliament on Tuesday.
Former president Mary McAleese has described the Catholic Church's teachings around homosexuality as "intrinsically evil" and amounting to homophobia, suggesting it "empowers the homophobic bully".
The Supreme Court elated religious freedom advocates and alarmed secular groups with its Tuesday ruling on public funding for religious education, a decision whose long-term effect on the separation of church and state remains to be seen.
"The Supreme Court has, as expected, poked another hole in the wall between church and state; it will weaken public education and open the door to making taxpayers foot the bill for religious discrimination."
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