Hi team — I wanted to check in quickly before you sign off for the night.
There are just a few hours left until we have to show pundits, the media and Republican operatives our books and we’re close to hitting our FEC end of quarter goal — but we’re not there yet.
We only need to raise another $3,105. Can you contribute now?
Here’s a link to give: https://marktakano.bsd.net/EOQDeadline2020
Grassroots donations have always made the difference in electing Democrats and this year — there’s just too much at stake to sit on the sidelines.
Can I count on your support?
Here’s the link again: https://marktakano.bsd.net/EOQDeadline2020
Thank you!
As we get closer to November, fundraising against the GOP machine will become even more competitive. If you’re able to, consider doubling-down on your end-of-quarter donation and becoming a monthly Frontline Fund donor at any amount →
Since 2013, Mark Takano has represented the people of the Inland Empire in the United States House of Representatives, fighting for the region’s progressive priorities. He’s been a voice for veterans, seniors, students, local businesses and hardworking families. We need to hold our Democratic Congressional majority now more than ever. The leadership of Democrats like Mark will be critical to holding Trump accountable and ensuring the healing of our country during this challenging time. Please help us keep Mark in Congress fighting for our Democratic values by contributing today!