Racism violates our duties to love and respect each other simply and merely because we are human.

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June 30, 2020
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Racism Violates Human Exceptionalism

Racism is evil because it treats inherent equals as if they are unequal. The racist justifies discriminating, denigrating, and/or objectifying the targeted victim based on the fallacy that "the other’s" life is somehow less important or worth valuing. For people of faith, racism also rejects the victim as being equally made in the image of God. Bigotry is an unacceptable form of withholding. It denies the mutual love we each owe to—and are entitled to receive from—all.

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Doctors Now Assist Suicides via Zoom

We are always told that "strict guidelines will protect against abuse." It’s always been baloney. As sold, assisted suicide was supposed to only be engaged between doctors of long-standing and patients well known to the prescriber. That was violated in the very first legal assisted suicide in Oregon. The doctor in that case—referred by an assisted-suicide advocacy organization—only met the patient two weeks before she received her poison pills.

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Peter Singer Endorses Medical Discrimination Against Elderly in COVID Crisis

The utilitarian bioethicist Peter Singer does not believe that human life has intrinsic value based simply on being human. Rather, he endorses a "quality of life" ethic in which some of us have greater value than others.

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Dutch MD Euthanized Dementia Patient Despite Being Told 'No'

The patient had said, while competent, that she would want euthanasia after becoming incompetent, but wanted to be the one to say when. She never did. But she wasn’t just silent on the question. The patient affirmatively told Arends that she did not want to be euthanized! Not once, not twice, but three times.

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Ban Germ-Line Genetically Engineered Babies

When a scientist in China proudly announced the birth of the first germ-line genetically engineered babies—meaning the alterations would flow down the generations—there was a firestorm. But notably, despite the screaming and arrest of the scientist by China (as if the authorities in the great tyranny didn’t know what he was up to), nothing was done to legally prevent other researchers from using the CRISPR technique to genetically engineer embryos and/or bring them to birth.

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