ALMOST THERE: Close the funding gap with a 3X MATCH - $43,467 still needed.
All gifts tripled >>
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Friend, tonight is a big deadline for UNICEF USA.
As we finalize our budget for the next year, we will either ensure that UNICEF has the resources needed to respond to COVID-19 and other urgent crises around the world -- or not. Children's lives hang in the balance, and we are still $43,467 short from where we need to be by the end of today.
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Tomorrow is too late -- we must close this gap by midnight tonight.
As one of our most valued supporters, your last donation improved the lives of children around the world. Thank you. Today you have a chance to triple your impact to reach 3X as many vulnerable children, keeping them safe during this uncertain time >>
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Help us deliver aid to 3X as many children
Triple my gift! >>
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Last June, we appealed to you, needing your help to protect children from the violent conflict in Yemen. Thanks to our supporters, we delivered critical aid and nutrition to keep them safe, but the conflict rages on.
Even as the violence continues, Yemen's most vulnerable are facing another crisis: COVID-19 deaths could soon surpass wartime fatalities. We are on the frontlines of the COVID-19 pandemic in Yemen and many of the world's most vulnerable communities, protecting the health and safety of children and families.
Friend, we're asking because the need is so dire. Please make a gift -- TRIPLED today -- before we close our books at midnight. Help us be ready to act when children need us >>
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Please hurry,
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UNICEF USA 125 Maiden Lane, New York, NY 10038
©2020 U.S. Fund for UNICEF d/b/a UNICEF USA. All rights reserved.
All photos ©UNICEF unless otherwise noted
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