We'll get straight to it, friend.

Right now, we're about 71% of the way to our end-of-quarter fundraising goal. With the deadline set to hit tonight, that's a bit further behind than we expected to be. But the good news is we still have time to catch up:

If 3 supporters from 19125 chip in right now, we’ll be back on track to hitting our goal.

Will you be one of the three donors we need from 19125 to chip in before tonight's FEC deadline? Any amount will go a long way.
Donate $3As a reminder, this campaign is funded by people -- not corporate PACs or big special interests.

That’s why everyone -- from the press, the pundits, even our opponent -- will be taking a close at our fundraising numbers once this report goes public. They want to see if our people-powered campaign is the real deal.

Our goal for this deadline is to show that we’ve got power in numbers on our side, and your donation today will send a message that this community is ready for true, progressive change.

Please, chip in anything you can today to help us reach our FEC goal.

Thanks in advance for chipping in.

Team Gómez HQ