Hear directly from Youth about Social, Emotional & Cognitive Learning
Hear directly from Youth about Social, Emotional & Cognitive Learning
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America's Promise Alliance - Making the promise of America real for every child
America's Promise Bulletin - June 30, 2020

Young People Weigh In on Social, Emotional, and Cognitive Learning
Over the past several years, a growing consensus has emerged that learning is a social, emotional, and cognitive process—but how do young people perceive and experience this type of integrated learning in action? All of Who I Am, a new report from The Center for Promise at America’s Promise Alliance, features insights from a qualitative study of more than 100 young people who describe their experiences with whole child approaches in exemplar learning settings across the country. The report’s title, drawn from a young person’s own words, encapsulates the most significant insight from the study: that learning environments that prioritize and integrate social, emotional, and cognitive development are nurturing young people’s sense of themselves as valued, multi-dimensional community members. In addition, six interconnected themes emerged from listening to the young people. Together these themes, which range from relationships and belonging to intentionality and agency, comprise a holistic,
youth-centered learning experience. 
Read the Report
As the nation responds to the COVID-19 pandemic, a growing economic crisis, and widespread unrest due to ongoing systemic racism and racial trauma, it is more urgent than ever for caring adults to understand how to support young people’s social, emotional, and cognitive development. In addition to the All of Who I Am report, the How Learning Happens Research Series includes numerous resources that amplify young people’s experiences and perspectives, including an action-oriented Youth Engagement Guide and an issue brief focused specifically on young people’s perceptions of how the COVID-19 crisis has affected their lives.
Find more Resources
Youth Employment during COVID-19
Young people across the country are feeling the effects of the pandemic in different ways—from school closures to cancelled activities to job losses—and they are finding creative solutions to staying connected and coping with the challenges brought on by this pandemic. The YES Project at America’s Promise Alliance is inviting young people to tell their stories about how COVID-19 is affecting their employment experiences and aspirations. Through video testimonials, opinion pieces, and social media postings, youth from across the country are sharing their stories about seeking employment and working during these challenging times.
Hear What Young People Are Saying
Young people aged 6-25 who wish to be a part of this storytelling effort on how COVID-19 is impacting their lives can fill out a simple online form to get started.
Mark Your Calendars:
Funding Opportunities:
  • State Farm Neighborhood Assist | Submissions open on July 15: The program will award $25,000 grants to 40 nonprofit organizations across the country to support neighborhood projects.

  • Family & Youth Services Bureau: Basic Center Program | Deadline July 3: FYSB is seeking applicants for the Basic Center Program (BCP) to establish or strengthen community-based programs that meet the immediate needs of runaway and homeless youth and their families.

America’s Promise Alliance is the driving force behind a nationwide movement to improve the lives and futures of America’s youth. If you would like to help make the promise of America real for every child, consider donating below. 
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