John —
On Wednesday, I had the opportunity to cast my vote during the City of Charlotte primary surrounded by family, friends and members of the community. It seems surreal, but when I casted my vote during the mayoral primary in 2017, I had just introduced my plan for a more equitable city. By focusing on affordable housing, better-paying jobs and transportation accessibility, we can level the playing field, allowing people to both work and live in Charlotte. 
Since my election, I’ve worked hard to fight our affordable housing crisis. In addition to securing funding to build more affordable units, I’ve also advocated for rehabilitation and renovation of existing housing because I realize this is a problem we simply can’t build our way out of. Yet, we need to find more ways to ensure that everyone has a home. Already, I’ve helped Charlotte be successful in this fight by: 
While we still have more work to do, ensuring that every Charlottean has a safe place to live continues to be a priority of mine. 
Please join me in this fight to end our affordable housing crisis. 

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Vi Alexander Lyles For Mayor
7804 Fairview Road, #121
Charlotte NC 28226 United States