Take the pledge.

Dear John,

We all know that November’s election is the biggest of our lifetime. Climate change. COVID-19. Police brutality. This is the biggest election of our lifetime. 

But here’s the question: Will everyone get the chance to vote? In this time of pandemic, will everyone get a ballot? As you read this, powerful leaders across the country are purposefully and strategically suppressing ballot access, especially in Black and Brown communities. And even in non-hostile states, those millions of mail-in ballots — necessitated by COVID-19 — could be confusing to fill out or late in arriving or hard to return.

So in this biggest election of our lifetime, groups like CCAN Action Fund — and civic-minded people like you! — must make the BIGGEST EFFORT ever to get people to the polls. We have to fight against ballot suppression. We have to fight for inclusion. We have to fight to vote!

Today: CCAN Action Fund is launching our “Fight to Vote. Vote to Live” campaign. Will you be part of our team? Sign up to fight voter suppression everywhere. Sign the “Fight to Vote” pledge.

Here’s what CCAN Action Fund pledges to you, our supporters: We will do everything in our power, using all the resources we can muster, to get people to the polls this fall, regionally and nationally, in person or by mail. 

Here’s what we ask of you: Join our team. Make getting people registered and getting them to the polls part of your life over the next four months. We’ll help you. We’ll give you tools to easily reach out to all your friends. We’ll give you tools to conveniently write letters to voters in other states. We’ll even send you a “Fight to Vote” face mask! In other words, together, we’ll get this done. We’ll do our part.

Once you take the “Fight to Vote” pledge, we’ll share with you the best online voter registration tool we’ve found and the most effective letter-writing program we’ve evaluated. We’ll cut through the clutter and noise and be your guide to voter education activism in your state and in key states nationwide.

Sign the “Fight to Vote” pledge today. We’ll stand up to voter suppression together and we’ll get voters to the polls this fall. Now, more than ever, we need your help to preserve our democracy.

Stay tuned soon for next steps and more information in our “Fight to Vote. Vote to Live” campaign. We’ll fire you up with regular updates on voter suppression efforts in key states and give you ways to act. Six-hour waits to vote in Georgia?! Unacceptable. Only one in-person voting location in Louisville, Kentucky? An outrage. 

We’ve got to take action! We’ve got to do our part to make sure everyone’s voice is heard in November, especially the voices most suppressed and most vulnerable. We at CCAN Action Fund have a plan. All we need now is you. Take the pledge.


Mike Tidwell

PS: After you’ve signed the “Fight to Vote” pledge, you’ll have the option to make a donation. If you give a donation of $100 or more we will send you a cool “Fight to Vote” face mask! Your gift will help fund our voter education work across the Chesapeake region and the nation. And you’ll be a walking advertisement for voting rights, everywhere you go.

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CCAN Action Fund is the grassroots arm of the Chesapeake Climate Action Network. The mission of the CCAN Action Fund is to effect change in public policy at local, state and national levels to directly address the threat of global warming. Through voter education, lobbying and participation in the electoral process, we seek to move our country into a leadership position on the most urgent global issue of our time — the climate crisis.

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