
Earlier this month, we wrote to you with exciting news about two cases we’ve filed to protect the will of the voters in 2020 and beyond:

  • Presenting our case to abolish super PACs before the U.S. Supreme Court: Our case, Lieu v. Federal Election Commission, directly challenges the 2010 federal appeals court ruling which created super PACs.  It presents to the Court the first opportunity to end super PAC spending in US elections and restore democracy to the people.

  • Challenging unsafe election rules during a pandemic: Our case on behalf of the Pennsylvania State Conference of the NAACP seeks immediate injunctive relief to address a broad range of unsafe Pennsylvania election practices resulting in unequal access to the ballot during the COVID-19 pandemic, in violation of the Pennsylvania Constitution’s guarantees of free and fair elections and equal protection of the law.

Free Speech For People is on the front lines of the movement to secure our elections and end the influence of big money in politics. Our wide array of efforts to guarantee a secure, accessible, and fair democracy are only possible with your generous support. Can you chip in to make sure Free Speech For People can continue to fight for a democracy by and for the people?

It’s now more important than ever before that we work to reclaim our democracy for we, the people. With the general election just a few months away and a pandemic showing no signs of slowing down in the United States, it is critical that everyone has an equal voice and an equal vote.

Donate today to help us reclaim our democracy.

Thank you for all you do,

John Bonifaz

President, Free Speech For People

Paid for and authorized by Free Speech For People
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