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... and Montana's Constitution lost.

John, today the U.S. Supreme Court sided with special interests instead of Montanans in Espinoza v. Montana Department of Revenue, and paved the way for defunding public education.

Montanans should be alarmed by the chipping away of our state constitution, and the blatant attacks pro-privatization advocates are launching on public education, but we shouldn't be surprised.

This was the plan all along. When my opponent cast her vote in favor of the scholarship program that became central to the Espinoza case back in 2015, she knew she was setting the stage for a court battle to defund our nation's public schools.

She has never had the interests of public schools in mind. Will you help us replace her with a public school advocate in November?
Our Constitution clearly guarantees every child equal access to a quality public education. Taxpayer funded religious and private schools are exactly what our delegates sought to prevent when they crafted our state constitution in 1972, and now the floodgates have been opened for public resources to support private schools, rather than schools that serve all children.

Unfortunately my opponent has made a habit of voting against our constitution. She has championed private schools at the expense of public schools since day one - from speaking at a privatization rally on the steps of our state Capitol to going along with Betsy DeVos' discriminatory guidelines to send $3 million of coronavirus relief aid to private schools at the expense of Montana's public schools.

Elections matter. Will you stand with our state constitution and and chip in $10 to our campaign right now?
We cannot wait another four years to elect a public school advocate to the Office of Public Instruction. Help us push back on these schemes to defund our schools and join our campaign today.

Thank you for standing with our public schools,
P.S. I know times are hard for many of us and I understand if you can't donate right now. I hope you'll continue following my campaign while you take care of yourself and your family and ultimately vote for me come November.
Paid for By
Romano for Montana, Democrat
PO Box 6985, Helena, MT 59604
Karen Moses, Treasurer

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