$3. One time.
That is what I am asking you to split between Sara Gideon's campaign and my campaign before tonight’s FEC fundraising deadline comes to a close. I’ll explain why that donation is so important, but if you already know what is at stake you can use the link below to contribute right now:
When Susan Collins voted to confirm Brett Kavanaugh, she told America he would not vote to overturn Roe v. Wade — that he would not take away established abortion rights.
Yesterday the Supreme Court upheld abortion access for people in Louisiana, but unsurprisingly, Brett Kavanaugh voted with the minority to take away that right.
It is a stark example of why winning this race is so important. If we lose the Senate race in Maine, then Mitch McConnell will still be Majority Leader and more anti-choice justices like Brett Kavanaugh will be elevated to the nation’s highest court.
So today — on the most important FEC deadline day of the campaign — I have to ask:
This is going to be a close race. But when Sara Gideon pulls it off, please know the donation you made today made a huge difference.
Every best wish,
Chris Murphy
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