A Special Message from Prospect Publisher Ellen J. Meany

The American Prospect does not have a paywall. An array of consultants in the news media game think this is the wrong way to do business. But that’s not how we think. We want our stories to be read and shared and analyzed far and wide, and blocking readers from doing that is not the way we want to play.

Yet, it’s expensive to do what we do, which means our strength as a nonprofit is proportional to the support of the people who read our work.  

Today is the last day of the Prospect’s fiscal year. We are depending on you to help us in our final pledge drive. Join our community, become a member, or subscriber, or benefactor, or recurring donor—however you’d like to describe yourself is okay with us—as it’s the financial contribution that matters in the end.

Independent, fact-checked journalism costs real money. Your donations go directly to underwriting our editorial mission, to tell stories about Ideas, Politics and Power. We run lean, we work hard, and we are primed to investigate and report for the rest of this godforsaken calendar year.

Your support is a vote of confidence in that mission. We can’t do it without you.

Thank you,
Ellen J. Meany

The American Prospect

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