
Our one and only chance to defeat Donald Trump and his minions is drawing closer. Yet, every day, dark money sloshes into races across the country to smear candidates who have the courage to take on big polluters and corrupt special interests.

This is no time to sit on the sidelines, so today I’m asking for your help in fighting back.

I started Oceans PAC to help elect lawmakers who will demand climate action and take on powerful lobbies, and now I’m trying to raise as much as I can to support these worthy candidates. They’re tied up in tough races all over the nation, so everything we can kick in will provide crucial support as we fight to change the country’s course.

Our quarterly deadline is today, and there’s no time to waste: Will you take a stand with me by donating $5 or more to Oceans PAC? Every dollar we raise gets us closer to electing a Congress that answers to the people, not the polluters and powerful special interests pushing the Trump-McConnell agenda.

Thanks so much for your support – I hope you are doing well and staying healthy in these challenging times.

