Maori Party Logo

Tēnā koe Friend --

From today, 1 July 2020, we aim to have all members on an annual membership registration of $5 with the option to donate putea to help the Māori Party return to Parliament.

  • You have received this invite to update your Māori Party membership ~if you have not done so already~

With 80 days until Election, we need your support to JOIN and DONATE to the Party to help build up our pūtea to win seats & return back to Parliament come 19 September being the free Māori voice in Parliament!

If you have any questions about your membership - Send your inquiry by reply to this email to make contact.


W.R Waetford

Party Secretary

Māori Party

Māori Party website

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Authorised by W.R Waetford at 19b Cunliffe Street, Johnsonville, Wellington