
Today, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled against Montana’s Constitution, telling Montanans that their hard earned tax dollars should go to private schools.
Gianforte and his hand-picked AG candidate Austin Knudsen praised the ruling and attacked the Montana Constitution, our public schools, and religious freedom.

Donate. We need a fighter for our public schools and Montana Constitution 

We’re shocked that candidates Gianforte and Knudsen would praise the undermining of our constitutional right to public education and interfere with the religious freedom of all Montanans.

But they aren't done. Knudsen led the charge in the Montana Legislature to take public dollars and send them to private schools, and will double down on these efforts as AG.

If you agree we need an Attorney General who will defend our public schools, please donate today
Montana needs an Attorney General who actually stands up for our schools. Education is personal to Raph Graybill and he will be the fighter we need to defend Montana’s Constitution and our right to public education.

It’s time for an Attorney General who shares our values and fights for us

The fight for public education is far from over, but we have a lot of work to push back against those who want to change our state and destroy our constitutional rights.

Please consider donating today and help elect an Attorney General who fights for our Montana values. 
– Graybill HQ

About Raph: Raph Graybill is Chief Legal Counsel to Governor Steve Bullock. A fifth-generation Montanan from Great Falls, Graybill won a Rhodes Scholarship and graduated from Yale Law School. Graybill beat the Trump Administration in court over dark money, protected our public lands from out-of-state developers, and defended Montana's public schools.

The non-partisan
 Cook Political Report rates the Montana Attorney General race as the most competitive in the nation and considers it a "Toss-up."

Paid for by Friends of Raph Graybill, PO Box 2728, Great Falls, MT 59403. Democrat.

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