Friend --

There’s no doubt we’re facing many challenges.

The administration’s reckless handling of COVID-19. Institutional racism. An unemployment crisis. And a climate emergency threatening all life on our planet.

Despite how bad things look, I remain encouraged and hopeful about the future of our country. And I owe that to you.

We’ve faced difficulties here in San Diego, but I’m proud to have had your ongoing support for taking bold, progressive action on issues like climate change, immigration, and housing. It’s clear that our community is ready to lead in the fight for economic, racial, environmental, and social justice in Washington.

It gives me hope knowing that we have an opportunity to continue our work in Congress, and I look forward to what we can accomplish together.

This is the FINAL DAY to make a donation to my campaign before our end-of-quarter deadline. I need your help because we’re still short of our goal. Will you chip in $10, or whatever amount you can afford, to help us hit our mark?

Proud of the movement we’re building,
